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Vawn Cassidy

Författare till Dead Serious: Case #1 Miz Dusty Le Frey

10 verk 59 medlemmar 3 recensioner


Verk av Vawn Cassidy


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Namn enligt folkbokföringen
Saunders, Wendy



This one really fulfilled the promises this series has. The quirky characters, the plot line that throws just enough little twists and turns, and the developing relationships between characters all combine for a fun, feel-good read that is entertaining and interesting.
Combine that with the humor and memorable lines and you have a great story. To those who have complained that the plot is a little too straightforward or that adding Death is bit contrived -- this story is not meant to be angst-filled or dark - it is meant to entertain. The story is a solid 5/5. Having said that - the editing is not great. In this case the story helped smooth it over and I refuse to punish the author for this as they are not, I believe, a native English speaker.… (mer)
DragonJude | Aug 16, 2023 |
Hmmm - not sure what to think. The overall story was a fun read, but there were elements that were irritating -- or frustrating? The constant jabs at the living elderly (the dead elderly are presented as sweet and intelligent while the living? Old age is tough enough to survive, but not all of it is a running joke of unappealing - it is possible I am a bit sensitive on the subject as I try to sail from my 60s to my 70s with grace) The 'possession' shtick was just for comedy I think, but the fact that I need to question it makes me wonder why it was there. Side note - - the cop boyfriend is just too perfect. However; having said all that, still a fun read and good for a few giggles. I do love Tristan and his quirks.… (mer)
DragonJude | Aug 15, 2023 |
I have to say that I totally enjoyed this book. I was a bit surprised as some of the ratings were quite low and some seemed absolutely convinced this was a poor story. Perhaps it is perspective, but I found the story to be interesting and the murder mystery to be well thought out with twists and turns. The humor and quirky side characters really added to the story. The character of Tristan was nicely developed, while Danny could have been developed a bit more. The romance was slow at first with some actual dating, but the cumulation was explosive.… (mer)
DragonJude | Aug 8, 2023 |

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