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Éric Chevillard

Författare till Palafox

69+ verk 733 medlemmar 17 recensioner 2 favoritmärkta

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Verk av Éric Chevillard

Palafox (1990) 76 exemplar
Prehistoric Times (1994) 72 exemplar
The Crab Nebula (1993) 64 exemplar
I taket (1997) 42 exemplar
Rödöra (2005) 41 exemplar
Juste ciel (2015) 17 exemplar
Sans l'orang-outan (2007) 17 exemplar
Choir (2010) 17 exemplar
Les absences du capitaine Cook (2001) 16 exemplar
Mourir m'enrhume (1987) 16 exemplar
Du hérisson (2002) 15 exemplar
Dino Egger (1899) 13 exemplar
Le caoutchouc décidément (1992) 12 exemplar
Le désordre Azerty (2014) 11 exemplar
Ronce-Rose (2017) 10 exemplar
Monotobio (2020) 9 exemplar
L'explosion de la tortue (2019) 8 exemplar
Un fantôme (1995) 6 exemplar
Le Démarcheur (1989) 6 exemplar
D'attaque : Gaston Chaissac (2005) 5 exemplar
Sul soffitto (2015) 4 exemplar
Scalps (2004) 4 exemplar
Chiens écrasés (2011) 4 exemplar
Péloponnèse (2013) 4 exemplar
Museum Visits (2024) 4 exemplar
L'Arche Titanic (2022) 3 exemplar
La princesse orgueilleuse (2010) 3 exemplar
La chambre à brouillard (2023) 3 exemplar
Prosper a l'œuvre (2019) 2 exemplar
Music & Literature no. 8 (2017) 2 exemplar
... Qui rira le dernier (2006) 2 exemplar
Zoologiques (2020) 2 exemplar
Détartre et désinfecte (2017) 2 exemplar
Les théories de Suzie (2015) 2 exemplar
Iguanes et moines (2011) 2 exemplar
L'autofictif selon Proust (2023) 1 exemplar
En territoire cheyenne (2009) 1 exemplar
Ailes 1 exemplar
Au Spectacle 1 exemplar
Sul riccio (2005) 1 exemplar
Caer (Spanish Edition) (2016) 1 exemplar
La ménagerie d'Agathe (2013) 1 exemplar

Associerade verk

Den eviga dumheten : berättelsen om Bouvard & Pécuchet : Gustave Flauberts sista roman (1881) — Interviewee, vissa utgåvor1,210 exemplar
Best European Fiction 2014 (2013) — Bidragsgivare — 28 exemplar


Allmänna fakta

Vedertaget namn
Chevillard, Éric
Namn enligt folkbokföringen
Chevillard, Éric
Priser och utmärkelser
Roger Caillois (2007)



I admit, the premise made me think twice. Would it be the novel I've been waiting for my whole life, or would it be kind of silly? Yes, yes it would, both. This is extremely funny, very smart, and beautifully written. Chevillard's ability to actually structure this thing around a fairly traditional plot--as our narrator tries to track down a racy-sounding story that Nisard published before he got all respectable--is astonishing. His ability to include formal variations in what is, basically, an extended sigh of "Fuck off" is breathtaking. Chevillard. How I love you.… (mer)
stillatim | Oct 23, 2020 |
An excellent little book, with some real surprises, and very well translated. Chevillard gives us, to begin with, fairly standard post-Beckett stuff, as our narrator describes his uniform and his physical features and so on in a repetitive, unenlightening way. Soon enough, though, we get an actual backstory (he's an archaeologist who, thanks to an injured leg, can no longer be in the field and takes a job guarding prehistoric rock art in a cave), and then developments from there. What could have been amusing but light fare (meta-narrative stuff, what does it mean to make art and so on) ends up both much funnier than expected, and much more interesting.

Most importantly, the writing is glorious. Here are two sentences for you, about early hominids:

"Besides, these creatures did not disappear form one day to the next the minute exclusive and very selective humankind was picked out of the lot; life went on for them, too, their own evolution continued, they long remained contemporaries of Homo sapiens sapiens, and--I know this hypothesis will upset those of my fellow creatures who are my superiors--they may even have survived him; my opinion is that we ourselves are today the descendants of a species related to and rival of the human species that was annihilated and whose prestige and privileges we have usurped and whose civilized manners we ape; lice know what they're doing, so do I, everywhere I go I see only chimpanzees slogging away, and the more serious they are, the more ridiculous they are, dressed nonetheless as if they were men: religious, sentimental, domestic like men used to be, but awkwardly, brutally, unrelentingly carried away by their ape logic, exceeding all moderation, their smiles swallowed by grimaces, their gestures too brusque, and every word laboriously learned wasted in fits of rage. I am ready to defend this hypothesis as a true theory: we got rid of man, then took his place, and I can prove it: never would man, endowed with the aptitudes both to reason and to laugh, the latter to counteract the former, never would man thus enlightened have entered History."

… (mer)
stillatim | 1 annan recension | Oct 23, 2020 |
Amusant. Heureusement c’est pas trop long car cela devient rasoir, mais la chute est superbe.
ours57 | May 21, 2020 |
Narration à la première personne d'un homme qui perd la vie (avant d'être appelé à redescendre sur terre à la toute fin du livre) et fait l'expérience de l'observation à 360° et de l'omniscience que lui confère son statut de pur esprit. L'occasion d'analyser des épisodes de sa vie, de connaître réellement ceux qui étaient si proches.
Sans être désagréable, le livre offre un exercice assez vain qui tourne rapidement à vide. C'est malheureusement aussi peu incarné que l'esprit censé livrer le récit.
L'auteur s'enferre dans l'obsession anecdotique de données pouvant résumer une vie terrestre. C'est assez ennuyeux et très vite oublié, une fois le livre refermé.
… (mer)
biche1968 | 1 annan recension | Aug 12, 2019 |



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Associerade författare

Anne Weber Übersetzer
Jordan Stump Translator
Alyson Waters Translator
Eleanor Hardin Translator


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½ 3.7

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