Michael Jordan (särskiljning)

"Michael Jordan" består av minst 7 distinkta författare, uppdelade efter vad de skrivit.


Michael Jordan (2)

Encyclopedia of Gods (1992) 598 exemplar
Eastern Wisdom (1997) 40 exemplar
Buddha (2003) 24 exemplar

Allmänna fakta

1) Michael Jordan, the basketball player wrote For the Love of the Game : My Story.
2) Jordan, Michael, UK, b. 1941- wrote Ceremonies for life.
LOC believes that there is one Michael Jordan UK b. 1941 who writes on both botany and religion. I can't find any evidence to show otherwise.
Amazon.com has a biography of the author born in 1941, stating that he was originally a wildlife presenter, whose interests switched in the 1980s to writing and ancient religions and cults. He has also written a novel.
4) Michael Jordan is an English mycologist, founder of the Association of British Fungal Groups (according to wikipedia)
6) Michael Jordan (b. 1972) is German cartoonist
7) Michael Jordan is a Guyanese author.