
Lee Mandelo

Författare till Summer Sons

11+ verk 841 medlemmar 31 recensioner

Om författaren

Inkluderar namnen: Lee Mandelo, Lee Mandelo, Brit Mandelo


(eng) Lee Mandelo is writer, critic, and academic who is queer and gender nonconforming/transmasculine. Please use he/they pronouns.

Verk av Lee Mandelo

Associerade verk

The Year's Best Science Fiction: Thirtieth Annual Collection (2013) — Bidragsgivare — 218 exemplar
Some of the Best from Tor.com: 2012 Edition (2013) — Bidragsgivare — 150 exemplar
Rocket Fuel: Some of the Best From Tor.com Non-Fiction (2018) — Bidragsgivare — 80 exemplar
Letters to Tiptree (2015) — Bidragsgivare — 54 exemplar
Transcendent 2: The Year's Best Transgender Speculative Fiction (2017) — Bidragsgivare — 42 exemplar
The Stories: Five Years of Original Fiction on tor.com (2013) — Bidragsgivare — 38 exemplar
The Book of Apex: Volume 4 of Apex Magazine (2013) — Bidragsgivare — 29 exemplar
Brave Boy World: A Transman Anthology (2017) — Bidragsgivare — 19 exemplar
Clarkesworld: Issue 055 (April 2011) (2011) — Bidragsgivare — 13 exemplar
Uncanny Magazine Issue 8: January/February 2016 (2016) — Bidragsgivare — 11 exemplar
Uncanny Magazine Issue 37: November/December 2020 (2020) — Bidragsgivare — 8 exemplar
Apex Magazine 37 (June 2012) (2012) — Bidragsgivare — 5 exemplar


Allmänna fakta

Vedertaget namn
Mandelo, Lee
Andra namn
Mandelo, Brit
Louisville, Kentucky, USA
University of Louisville
University of Liverpool (MA)
University of Kentucky
Tara Gilbert
Lee Mandelo is writer, critic, and academic who is queer and gender nonconforming/transmasculine. Please use he/they pronouns.



Great for when you need a rage-inducing and releasing cathartic read. Unfortunately you have to get through the fundamentalist rage inducing part first, but it certainly pulls no punches in the end and there's a beauty in the unapologetic fierceness of the characters, even if we only get a taste of them. I'm not sure I enjoyed it, per se, but it's certainly a powerfully vivid story.

Advanced Reader's Copy provided by Edelweiss.
jennybeast | 1 annan recension | Mar 29, 2024 |
I spent the majority of this book going between, my god this is beautifully gay and I don’t care about cars to I SWEAR IF THIS BITCH ISNT THE BAD GUY ILL SCREAM. It can’t be SAM I swear to god….I like that west took his shot and sued the school. And that the topic of racism and academia was handled well, not to mention homophobia in the south. I love that Sam and Andrew were left with possibilities and overall I am satisfied with the ending, however I would read about the beautiful train wreck of them finding their ways back to one another. You know Andrew is a mess and would be SO HUMAN and I just….

I love this book whole heartedly
… (mer)
ChaoticGoblin | 16 andra recensioner | Jan 23, 2024 |
Woods All Black is a beautifully written novella about Leslie Bruins, a WW2 nurse who has been assigned to a small, rural Appalachian town through the Frontier Nursing Services to take a post there.
Leslie prefers to see themselves as a man but in Spar Creek in 1929 that is very much not acceptable behavior. When Leslie arrives to the small town, he finds that the hellfire and brimstone minister of the town already has the town against them due to another young woman, Stephanie (Stevie) who also prefers to be known as a man and has brought down the wrath of his family and congregation.
Little do they know that Stevie has called upon the dark ancient magic living in the woods to bring his vengeance upon the town.
I really enjoyed this story and most likely because of the time period the story takes place in. It's a fascinating tale that explores reproductive rights and the terrors that small town fanatics can bring upon everyone.
… (mer)
Verkruissen | 1 annan recension | Jan 8, 2024 |
Feed Them Silence is a short science fiction novella with a premise that explores the ethical and psychological implications of using a neural interface to connect with a wolf. Dr. Sean Kell-Luddon, is a scientist obsessed with experiencing the world through the eyes of a wild wolf, one of the last of its kind. She uses a device that allows her to tap into the wolf’s mind and feel its sensations, emotions, and instincts. However, this comes at a cost to her personal life, her mental health, and her research integrity. She also faces the risk of losing her subject to the greedy interests of her funders, who want to exploit the technology for profit.

The novella is at times gripping and thought-provoking, raising questions about the nature of consciousness, empathy, and identity. Mandelo skillfully portrays the contrast between the human and the animal perspectives, as well as the ethical dilemmas that arise from such a radical experiment. The novella also touches on themes of environmentalism, conservation, and animal rights, as well as the challenges of being a queer woman in a male-dominated field. The writing is crisp and engaging, and the plot is fast-paced and suspenseful. There also times the story is bogged downed about sophomoric ethical philosophy and naivete that is ill suited for an accomplished researcher.
… (mer)
stretch | 5 andra recensioner | Jan 7, 2024 |



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