
Herman L. MasinRecensioner

Författare till Baseball Laughs

17 verk 113 medlemmar 2 recensioner


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Short little true stories of humorous happenings on the ball diamond. My favorites all seem to involve Babe Herman in some way.
MerryMary | 1 annan recension | Feb 19, 2008 |
From vintage scholastic cover: Maybe you can't tell the players without a scorecard, but you can tell the funniest stories every to come out of a horsehide. You'll find them all in this collection of screaming line drives. Everybody--fans, frogmen, and bird watchers--will get a chuckle out of this prime assortment of screwballs, knuckleheads, and dipsy-doodles. ---- Example of a dipsy-doodle?
Hair-Raising Order: Bobby Gragan, Braves manager, takes every defeat to heart. Once, when his team was in the middle of a losing streak, he walked into his favorite barbershop, where he received a gushy welcome from his barber, who then asked, "How will you have your hair cut, Mr. Bragan?" "In deep silence, please," snapped Bobby. ---- As you can see, this book is full of historical names and anecdotes; these days it would be great for longtime baseball fans and fans of baseball nostalgia and trivia...and humor. (1970 edition, copyright 1964)
Sasha_Doll | 1 annan recension | Aug 4, 2007 |
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