
Författarmoln, Taggspegel
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Oct 17, 2013
Om mitt bibliotek
I live in my library and I like most books across all genres; I just love a good story. I have a soft spot for genres though, especially fantasy, horror, sci-fi and humour.
Om mig
I'm a fantasy author and fiction editor who grew up in Ignace, Ontario where I fell in love with nature and astronomy. I've always loved books, crafting picture books as a child and writing novels as early as my teens.

I have been drawn to horror and fantasy novels all my life. My favourite children’s book has always been The Berenstain Bears and the Spooky Old Tree, and my favourite YA literature included the Fear Street books.

As an adult, I still read widely, but I have a soft spot for the fiction genre of my youth.

My first published novel is Dragon Whisperer, released by Iguana Books in the spring of 2013. I am now diligently working on the trilogy that has been haunting me since my teens.

I live in Waterloo with my husband, daughter and three dogs, where I enjoy the outdoors in the summer, gardening and hiking, and I tend to hibernate with books in the winter.
Waterloo, Ontario, Canada
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