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Dec 29, 2009
Riktigt namn
Jayne d'Arcy
Om mig
Once upon a time in a desert far, far away in the land of Arizona, I was born. It was 1962. Kennedy would soon be assassinated and we were preparing to head to the moon.

My father was a traveling salesman, my mother an artist. And me? I was just beginning to babble and learn how to crawl.

Fast forward to the present, December of 2005 and here sits a 43 years young woman re-evaluating her life, and what there is to be made of it. I have a terrible tendency to change blogging software and designs the way a model will change clothing at a runway show. I’m also not always as humorous as this page might imply.

I’m working on learning Wordpress, finding my niche in the design aspect, and just having something to do in between making necklaces, taking photographs, and writing odd things.

Update: July 31, 2009

I am now 47 years old with various aches, pains, and ‘isms. My imagination is taken with fan fiction at the moment as it seems my hands are too shakey to do my beading or my drawing. Not to mention that my eyesight is just plain getting old. It’s so odd to have to remove my regular glasses so I can read something.

My husband and I have seen 15 years of marriage, the deaths of two furry kids, Johann and Mimi, our cats. Claudius, the brother of Johann is still alive, very healthy, and “talks” more than he used to.

Despite the vagaries of life, I consider myself generally content. Hopefully it will remain so.
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