
onomatopoeia (3), parallel structure (3), critical literacy (3), action verbs (2), rhyming (2), dialogue (2), collage art (2), parallelism (2), perspective (2), memoir (2), characterization (2), hyphen use (2), repetition (2), illustrated pictures with photographs (1), itemized pictures (1), isolation --> pictures of separation (1), timeline at bottom of page --> jean history (1), imagining stories (1), fiction (1), author note at end (1), legend within story (1), frestake on fairy tale (1), western/fantasy blend (1), movement down page (1), science facts blended in fantasy atmosphere (1), black and white inking (1), book flipping (1), unique book design (1), humorous tone translating to serious overtones (1), onamonopeia (1), single sentences spanning several pages (1), referencing other tales (1), semi-colon lists (1), question-response (1), repetitive conjunctions (1), pop up pages (1), holes in pages (1), butterfly metamorphosis (1), predictable dialogue structure (1), cut-flapped pages (1), bold quotes (1), mirror structured story (1), overcoming gender/racial obstacles (1), ellipses use (1), cut up-folding pages (1), dialogue in different text (1), color penciled drawings (1), critical thinking questions to ponder (1), unrelenting giving (1), black-n-white art (1), alphabetical enclyclopdia (1), heavy large font text (1), Foreshadow (1), introduction/index (1), inventing (1), adjectives (1), misconceptions (1), talking cat (1), similes (1), rhythm (1), hyphen (1), flashback (1), photographs (1), phases of the moon (1), diet (1), native american (1), Japan (1), Memoir (1), struggle (1), graphic novel (1), epic fantasy (1), sequencing (1), table of contents (1), bolded vocabulary (1), Multiple perspectives (1), questions for readers (1), dreams vs. real world (1), mix of novel/graphic novel (1), lasting power of words (1), comedy (1), middle school setting (1), books coming to life (1), personification of animals (1), personification (1), foreshadow (1), Table of contents (1), tough questions (1), complex sentences (1), detailed pictures (1), woman protagonist (1), femal protagonist (1), index (1), summative end page (1)
Taggmoln, Författarmoln, Taggspegel
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Oct 8, 2012