
Taggmoln, Författarmoln, Taggspegel
Gått med
Jul 15, 2006
Om mitt bibliotek
The main chunk of my collection is contemporary poetry, both individual poets and anthologies. I love a good anthology. But to keep myself from being too serious, I balance it out with a healthy dose of science fiction, fantasy, cyberpunk, literary fantasy and all other forms of silliness. I top it off with a sprinkle of memoir, literary criticism, and cookbooks.
Om mig
I received my BA in English from Hope College, an MFA in Creative Writing from Western Michigan University, and a MLIS from Detroit's Wayne State University. Previously I've worked at an independent new and used bookstore and was the Managing Editor at a small literary publisher. I'm a board member at the Kalamazoo Book Arts Center where I help run the Poets in Print Reading Series. I work in the Technical Services Dept. of Waldo Library, Western Michigan University.
Kalamazoo, MI

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