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Aug 29, 2006
Om mitt bibliotek
I tend to only keep books I re-read often or know I cannot find easily in the public library, so LibraryThing does not reflect all my reading tastes.

Authors I adore but whose books I read then give away or return to the library:

Mystery authors Nevada Barr, Agatha Christie, Elizabeth George, Lisa Gardner, Sue Grafton, P.D. James, Carol O'Connell, Sara Paretsky, Dana Stabenow, P.J. Tracey.

SF/F authors David Eddings, Raymon Feist, Eric Flint, Mercedes Lackey, Lois McMaster Bujold.

I also went through the Great Book Purge of 1999, giving away and selling books as I moved from Texas to California.

Sadly, I broke up an excellent lesbian feminist book collection, and a series romance collection for which many members of the Romance Writers of America would kill.
Om mig
If I was a Library of Congress Call Number, I would be HQ 75.5

Dad was a librarian. Sister is a cataloger. I survived stints as a lowly student book shelver in college, 1.5 semesters of Library & Information Science graduate school at the University of North Texas, 1 year working as a Library Assistant I (making less than $12,000/yr plus benefits), and then retired from the field to become a radical bureaucrat on a college campus.
Riverside, CA