
Riktigt namn
Diana Goodwin
Om mitt bibliotek
A good chunk of my library is comprised of books acquired during undergraduate years as a history major and 5 years spent pursuing joint degrees in art history and museum studies, with a focus on the European Middle Ages. This is what I have catalogued so far, in hopes that friends with similar research interests will find my library useful as a lending collection. In the future I may add my books on illustration, production design for film, non-medieval art, needlework and fiber arts. And then I might tackle the fiction categories: science fiction and fantasy, graphic novels, etc.
ADDENDUM: This library, for the most part, no longer exists. I sold and/or gave away most of my books when I moved to Belgium in January. I haven't updated my inventory and probably won't until I manage to retrieve the remaining books from storage... whenever that is.
Om mig
Former student of medieval history and art history, current SCA member, dancer, costumer, lifelong sci-fi and comic book geek. Graduate of Yale and the University of Michigan. Hometown: Virginia Beach, Virginia. I like cats.
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