
grief (19), murder (14), small town (13), siblings (13), family (13), widow (11), friendship (11), divorce (10), marriage (9), accident (8), accidental death (8), mystery (7), NYC (7), sister (6), adoption (6), suicide (6), identity (6), healing (5), mother/daughter relationship (5), cancer (5), daughter (5), remembrance (5), adultery (5), teacher (5), sisterhood (5), memory (4), forgiveness (4), widowhood (4), writer (4), single parent (4), walking (4), aging (4), London (4), parenting (4), England (4), death (4), family relationships (3), alcoholism (3), Canada (3), missing child (3), single mom (3), female priest (3), survivor (3), independent woman (3), abandonment (3), photographer (3), North Carolina (3), memories (3), sisters (3), survival (3), car accident (3), Ireland (3), support (3), friends (3), mother (3), detective (3), adolescence (3), betrayal (3), motherhood (3), Alzheimer's (3), guilt (3), artist (3), mental illness (3), brothers (3), tbr (2), doctor (2), British (2), foster children (2), childhood friends (2), run away (2), therapy (2), purpose (2), Maine (2), lake (2), elderly (2), psychiatrist (2), affair (2), single parenthood (2), Viet Nam (2), bed and breakfast (2), cold case (2), honesty (2), care giving (2), quilt shop (2), ferry (2), trust (2), Harvard (2), Mass. (2), swimming (2), blended family (2), travel writer (2), retirement (2), lawyer (2), Baltimore (2), author (2), Vermont (2), FBI (2), mountains (2), assisted suicide (2), police procedure (2), airplane accident (2), Nashville (2), childhood trauma (2), memoir (2), Boston (2), father/son relationship (2), drowning (2), community support (2), children (2), Arizona (2), snow (2), nanny (2), psychopath (2), brother (2), religion (2), depression (2), shock (2), dysfunction (2), parents (2), second chances (2), single mothering (2), amnesia (2), first love (2), murder mystery (2), faith (2), community (2), wilderness (2), drugs (2), dysfunctional family (2), humor (2), coming of age (2), orphan (2), first person (2), Holocaust (2), inheritance (2), success (2), adultry (2), grandmother (2), New York (2), love (2), memior (2), independence (2), poverty (2), pregnancy (2), memory loss (2), Maryland (1), pack life (1), sugar cane harvesting (1), Botswana (1), hiking alone (1), historic plantation (1), end of life decision (1), it takes a village (1), family wounds (1), slaves quarters (1), West Virginia (1), Solomon's Oaks (1), copying art (1), divorced parenting (1), Fla. retirement (1), providence (1), generational transitions (1), CIA motherhood (1), techno espionage (1), expatriot community (1), forgery (1), Degas (1), art collections (1), single mothers (1), female hiker (1), hidden childbirth (1), quilting cirlce (1), second careers (1), murder gene (1), Army wife (1), campus police (1), family owned (1), traditional women (1), Pacific Crest Trail (1), uncle (1), in laws quarters (1), oncologist (1), Ct. (1), sexual feelings (1), ADA (1), long distance hiking (1), reverend (1), Europe (1), single partening (1), stock investment scam (1), transitional home (1), farming (1), Washington (1), New Mexico (1), childhood friend (1), self publishing house (1), young adult fiction (1), quilting television show (1), realtor (1), security breech (1), female pastor (1), international banking (1), California (1), Russia (1), raises children without mothers (1), panic attack (1), NH (1), teen pregnancy (1), convent (1), homeless (1), immigration (1), Siberia (1), goodness (1), genocide (1), virtual reality (1), Afghanistan (1), son (1), drug addiction (1), cheating (1), fishing (1), river (1), Louisiana (1), rescue (1), sibling rivalry (1), abduction (1), labor camps (1), starvation (1), wolves (1), computer hackers (1), economy (1), killing (1), knife (1), revenge (1), suspense (1), middle school (1), dating (1), Paris (1), trains (1), historical fiction (1), Wilmington (1), relationships (1), ghost (1), illness (1), museums (1), archaeology (1), travel (1), evidence (1), journey (1), apocalyptic (1), courage (1), slavery (1), orphanage (1), Spokane (1), Lithuania (1), reputation (1), performance anxiety (1), quilts (1), Drought (1), blended families (1), veteran (1), physics (1), kidney disease (1), deportation (1), defense lawyer (1), chat room (1), switched at birth (1), therapist (1), raising daughters (1), war injury (1), referrals (1), critical illness (1), reconnecting (1), art shows (1), Rushmore (1), grandparenting (1), pottery (1), childhood disease (1), writers life (1), Austrailia (1), abusive relationships (1), denial (1), bomb (1), agency (1), encouragement (1), abandoned children (1), lavender (1), sudden death (1), biologist (1), adventure (1), authentication (1), nun (1), midwifery (1), infant death (1), Dakotas (1), employees (1), art theft (1), single parenting (1), apparitions (1), extended family (1), spousal secrets (1)
Taggmoln, Författarmoln, Taggspegel
Gått med
Feb 9, 2007
Riktigt namn
Mary Hauser
Om mitt bibliotek
Quality writing in several genres, historic, contemporary fiction, non-fiction, and memoirs
Om mig
Redding,CA, writer, reader, cyclist, traveler, fitness facility owner & consultant
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