Författarmoln för Jdm8914

Henry Adams(1) Steve Alford(1) Amanda and Greg Gregory Professor of the Civil War Era Stephen Berry(1) Stephen E. Ambrose(1) Joyce Appleby(2) Jane Austen(1) Alec Baldwin(1) Michael Banton(1) Michael A. Barnhart(1) Dixee R. Bartholomew-Feis(1) Edwin C. Bearss(1) Peter L. Berger(1) Conrad Black(1) Mark Blake(1) John Morton Blum(1) Paul Bourke(1) James Bradley(1) H. W. Brands(1) Victoria Bissell Brown(1) Marcus Buckingham(1) Hal Buell(1) W. Bruce Cameron(1) Joseph Campbell(1) Tom Campbell(1) Francesca M. Cancian(1) Bartolomé de las Casas(1) Ron Chernow(1) Norman H. Clark(1) Lizabeth Cohen(1) Randall Collins(1) Dr. William Cooke(1) James Fenimore Cooper(1) Robert Coover(1) Bernard Cornwell(1) Jay Cost(1) Dave Cullen(1) Thomas J. Cutler(1) Robert Dallek(1) James W. Davidson(1) William C. Davis(1) Daniel T. Miller Ph. D.(1) Angus Deaton(1) Bernard DeVoto(3) Charles B. Dew(2) Jared Diamond(1) Robin DiAngelo(1) David Herbert Donald(1) Michael Dorn(1) Bruce Dorsey(1) John W. Dower(1) Edward J. Drea(1) Michael Dregni(1) Peter Duus(3) Robert R. Dykstra(1) Timothy Egan(1) D. Stanley Eitzen(1) Joseph J. Ellis(1) Jason Emerson(1) Allen Eskens(1) Nicole Etcheson(2) Nicholas Evans(1) Richard J. Evans(1) Drew Gilpin Faust(2) John Feinstein(2) Jackie Sheckler Finch(1) David Hackett Fischer(1) Eric Foner(8) Mary LeCron Foster(1) William A. Frassanito(1) Joanne B. Freeman(1) Neil Gaiman(1) Gary W. Gallagher(1) Henry Louis Gates, Jr.(1) Dorothy Burne Goebel(1) Doris Kearns Goodwin(1) Elliott J. Gorn(1) Jacob Grimm(1) Dave Grohl(1) Peter Guralnick(2) S. C. Gwynne(1) James Hansen(1) Hewitt(1) Christine Leigh Heyrman(1) George Hicks(1) Lawrence D. Hogan(1) Kristin L. Hoganson(1) Holger Hoock(1) Daniel Walker Howe(1) Paul Andrew Hutton(1) Georg G. Iggers(1) Dave Isay(1) Matthew Frye Jacobson(1) Julie Roy Jeffrey(1) Paulette Jiles(1) Paul E. Johnson(1) Walter Johnson(1) Jenna Weissman Joselit(1) Ronald C. White(1) Michael Kazin(1) John Keegan(1) Thomas Keneally(1) W. P. Kinsella(1) Kodak(2) Brian Lane(1) James Lardner(1) Diana Lary(2) Richard Lee(1) Nicholas Lemann(1) Jill Lepore(2) William E. Leuchtenburg(1) Josh Leventhal(1) Meriwether Lewis(1) Patricia Nelson Limerick(1) Abraham Lincoln(1) Edward Luttwak(1) Stephen R. MacKinnon(1) Jerry Mander(1) Paula Mitchell Marks(2) Anne E. Marshall(1) Gabor Maté(1) Cormac McCarthy(1) David McCullough(3) Roger D. McGrath(1) Tim McGrath(1) Ian McGuire(1) Larry McMurtry(4) James M. McPherson(4) Jon Meacham(2) Raymond J. Michalowski(1) Anne Moody(2) Graham Moore(1) Leonard J. Moore(1) Edmund Morris(1) David Thomas Murphy(1) Allan Nevins(1) James Oakes(1) Stephen B. Oates(1) Tim O'Brien(1) Thomas F. O'Dea(1) Bill O'Reilly(2) S. C. M. Paine(1) Parragon Books(1) Rodman W. Paul(1) Pearl Jam(1) Peter C. Perdue(1) Benjamin Perrin(1) Nathaniel Philbrick(1) David M. Potter(2) Professor Yonah Alexander(1) Sam Quinones(1) Amanda Ripley(1) J. M. Roberts(1) Jackie Robinson(1) James P. Ronda(1) Robert I. Rotberg(1) Randolph Roth(1) Francis Russell(1) Larry Schweikart(1) Tom Shales(1) Neil Sheehan(1) Charles J. Shields(1) David Simon(1) Nikki Sixx(1) Melvin Small(1) Elizabeth Oakes Smith(1) Michael Kidron and Dan Smith(1) Nicholas Sparks(1) Judith Stanford(1) Harriet Beecher Stowe(1) Thomas J. Sugrue(1) C. L. Sulzberger(1) Harry G. Summers(2) Kenneth M. Swope(1) Yuki Tanaka(1) Alan Taylor(1) Emory M. Thomas(2) John Toland(1) Camilla Townsend(1) Alan Trachtenberg(1) James Traub(1) Steve Turner(1) Steve Twomey(1) Robert M. Utley(3) J. D. Vance(1) Altina L. Waller(1) Sam R. Watkins(1) Donovan Webster(1) Jeffry D. Wert(2) Wheeler/Becker(1) William Bruce Wheeler(2) Richard White(2) Ted Widmerr(1) Elie Wiesel(1) Edmund Wilson(2) Liz Wiseman(1) Gordon S. Wood(1) Bob Woodward(1) Steven E. Woodworth(1) Peter Worthing(1) Maochun Yu(1) Warren Zanes(1)