Seven Nigts with Ayahuasca

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Seven Nigts with Ayahuasca

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okt 29, 2015, 12:30 pm

There is so much to say about this book, or rather written testimony. Firstly, it is not for children or the faint of heart. Certain portions can be incredibly graphic; at times so much so that the reader nearly feels the sensations, pains, and ecstasies that the author had. As for the writing style of the author, Nicholas Floyd, it is remarkably detailed while not veering from the course of the story with filler material. At points in the first run with Ayahuasca the author is so good at conveying the emotional tole, and physical impotence, that the reader is left feeling equally drained; few authors have this ability, and Floyd has done it in his first published work! The experiences described each have their own interpretations which the author attempts to explain, or at least remark as to why his subconscious had brought particular visions to him. Overall this was a great read that will be recommended to anyone looking for an atypical, bare-all, detailed account of one of the worlds few remaining shamanic experiences open to be shared by outsiders.