Lifting Stones by Doug Stanfield

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Lifting Stones by Doug Stanfield

dec 7, 2022, 2:08 pm

Doug Stanfield’s new work, Lifting Stones in three sections, is dense with the weight of a life being observed to the fullest. Using a free-verse poetic style the author creates a memoir covering decades from his life. An honest narrative exposes the facets of his life without filters. He captures our universal experiences in with a sparser style of writing than his previous work, I Come From A Place of Fireflies. And, it is apropos when faced with losing a spouse, selling a house, and the inevitability of aging. Yet, all this is counterbalanced with selected writings in “Memories” and “Turning Points.” There is nothing maudlin here. It is the clarity of his language that encapsulates the complexity of feeling and makes it accessible for any reader.