Hello and welcome!

DiskuteraGood Show Sir!

Bara medlemmar i LibraryThing kan skriva.

Hello and welcome!

feb 6, 12:55 am

This group is for the discussion of bad science fiction and =d fantasy book covers, with particular reference to the trove of such things on the website Good Show Sir. Anybody with an interest in science fiction and fantasy are is welcome to join and air their views.

However, I'm pinching a rule from another LT group, The Green Dragon: no politics or religion. Plenty of groups on LT for those already. This group is to be a place for cheerful discussion among friends.

feb 6, 11:47 am


feb 6, 2:05 pm

feb 6, 4:36 pm

Took 4 tries but here I am!

I got some sci-fi covers in with the cookbooks, but none suitable for our home. It did beat having to squint at blurry pictures of traffic lights.

feb 6, 4:56 pm

>4 GSSex-noob: Welcome indeed, GSSxn!

feb 6, 5:49 pm

I m interesting in sci fi and fantasy

feb 6, 8:26 pm

Hi, everyone!

Hammy present and reporting for duty!

feb 6, 8:26 pm

>6 CanetteArilleBooks: Welcome, Canette!

feb 7, 12:13 am

Welcome Hammy_JLK and @CanetteArlleBooks! Special welcome to clamairy, whom I'm ridiculously delighted to find here. (clamairy is one of the creators of the Green Dragon, and has been a GD stalwart since forever.)

feb 7, 12:39 am

>6 CanetteArilleBooks: I note your profile says that you're an author. LT has groups for authors. I'm not one myself, but you might find the group Hobnob with Authors interesting and/or useful.

feb 7, 9:02 am

>9 haydninvienna: Thank you! You didn't know I have a special fondness for terrible (wonderful) album and book covers?

feb 7, 10:39 am

I have joined, probably as a lurker. Someone has to keep an eye on you folks.

feb 7, 5:12 pm

>12 MrsLee: You're very welcome.Goodness knows, GSS is a rowdy bunch.

feb 9, 12:15 am

Well, here I am: better late than never!
(This is Bruce, in case the "bam" doesn't give it away. :) )

Redigerat: feb 9, 4:41 am

>14 bam2001: Welcome, Bruce! (Took me about 0.00004 seconds to work it out.)

feb 9, 4:40 am

Wonder if we could persuade DSWBT out of obscurity ...