DiskuteraNewbery Challenge

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mar 5, 6:49 pm

This post is to list members that have read all the Gold Medal Books AND the Silver Medal or Honor Books.

Redigerat: jun 14, 4:55 pm

EGBERTINA -- 1922-1945

maj 17, 1:12 pm

I've read all the gold and silver for 1922-1928, also 2024. I'll post when I finish the next year! I'm working on posting opinions of each book on my blog.

maj 17, 5:45 pm

REBECCAREID -- 1922 - 1928

jun 10, 2:20 pm

>1 EGBERTINA: how many are there all together? trying to gauge my progress but don't want to sit and count them all.

jun 10, 6:10 pm

>5 rebeccareid: Ive attempted counting by estimates a few times- but keep forgetting. There were 92-100 gold medalists when i began; then i estimated four silvers per year which sort of balanced for the years there were fewer. I know i counted them once- bit i think between 350 and 400. The silver medals have become slightly less fun because of how many there are. On the other hand, if this list didn't exist- so much would be lost. I have found more enjoyment from the silver medals than most; but, even I have my limits.

jun 10, 6:35 pm


I attempted counting - but cannot guarantee that i didn't lose my count while scrolling

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