
Shaun Allan

Författare till Sin

11 verk 41 medlemmar 6 recensioner

Verk av Shaun Allan

Sin (2011) 24 exemplar
Welcome the Night (2011) 4 exemplar
Dark Places (2012) 3 exemplar
The Feast (2011) 2 exemplar
Christmas O'Clock (2012) 1 exemplar
Rudolph Saves Christmas (2011) 1 exemplar
Zits'n'Bits (2012) 1 exemplar
Of Mice and Mobiles (2011) 1 exemplar
Dorthy 1 exemplar


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Wow! That was a moment! This is a fast read. If you have seen any of The Purge movies you know the set up. This story though. Wow. It went beyond the movie. Prepare yourself. Or try to. The end will still punch you in the gut.
Wulfwyn907 | Jan 30, 2022 |
I read this book overnight in the dark because I am, apparently, insane. It is, however, an excellent book if you want chills in the night and have no plans to sleep...or get in a bathtub.
If you have seen the movies, Sinister and Sinister 2, then you will know somewhat of what to expect. If not, this is a short horror story involving children. As it is a short story, I am not going to go into details.
I enjoyed the story. The characters and the unfolding of the story were well done. I would recommend it for anyone who is looking for a creepy story. I found nothing in it that would be alarming for YA readers, (ie no graphic sex). Actually, I may use this as a reading aloud story at Halloween for the kids. I think it will be an excellent addition to our Halloween fun!… (mer)
Wulfwyn907 | Jan 30, 2022 |
I've compared this to a cross between Stephen King, Doctor Who, and Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy. Lots of dark humor, with a writer's voice that shines through. A protagonist you can't help but like despite his...issues. Sin leaps off the page and captures your attention, holding you hostage for however long it takes you to finish. I'll be reading the second book, no question. I was honestly surprised at how much I enjoyed the book, considering I'm not a horror fan, but there is enough of the other elements to keep things entertaining for those with an odd sense of humor. There were a few editing blips that really could (should) have been caught, though there are always one or two no matter how hard you try, but they aren't frequent enough to detract from the reading experience. All in all, a fantastic read from a truly talented writer.… (mer)
AuthorLMGreen | 3 andra recensioner | Feb 12, 2015 |
First and foremost this book is pretty cool. The concept is pretty cool, and honestly I don't think you get the full picture of what kind of book you are getting yourself into until you start reading. It definitely wasn't what I was expecting, but I mean that in the best way possible.

The book is interesting from the very beginning, and you want to keep reading to find out more about not only the character Sin, but what he is going to do next. I mean I read the synopsis of the book I was pretty sure the main character was not the best guy in the world, I mean it sounds like he is a killer. But really he is a guy who would be a normal guy if not for this fact that bad things happen when he's around. But he isn't the one doing the bad things, so you really feel bad for this guy.

I think it's a really interesting plot, and of course you get to experience how Sin deals with the problem once he recognizes it. It's obviously a terrible situation, and so Sin obviously wants to do something to make sure that he stops being the reason for other people dying. So he does the only thing that he thinks will help, he ends up in mental hospital which doesn't work, so he starts to wonder if the only solution to the problem would be for him not to exist anymore.

The book is really interesting and thought provoking. I also believe that it is really well written. The dialogue was good, the inner monologue was good, there was humor interjected throughout the book. But the overall book made you think. You wondered about what would happen if you were in his shoes. Or what would happen if you knew someone like him. You felt for him. You wanted this to stop, you wanted him to just be a normal everyday guy.

Overall, I think the book is pretty good. It is one of those books that kind of falls in the urban fantasy realm because it deals with things that don't happen naturally in the real world, but at the same time is not completely a fantasy book per say. It's thought provoking, well written, and has some really good overall elements to the book. I would recommend it to pretty much anyone who likes books, it's one of those books that kind of fits into a multitude of categories and therefore has a wider audience. I will say the book is on the darker side, so if you are looking for something light and fluffy then this is not the book for you.
… (mer)
HomeLoveBooks | 3 andra recensioner | Apr 3, 2012 |


½ 4.7