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Dianne E. Astle

Författare till Ben the Dragonborn

3+ verk 46 medlemmar 5 recensioner

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Inkluderar namnet: Dianne Astle


Verk av Dianne E. Astle

Ben the Dragonborn (2013) 40 exemplar
Moses and the Dragonborn (2017) 2 exemplar

Associerade verk

Hall of Heroes: A Fellowship of Fantasy Anthology (2017) — Bidragsgivare — 33 exemplar


Allmänna fakta

Vedertaget namn
Astle, Dianne E.



I absolutely loved this story of a teenage boy overcoming his fears in an unknown world.

Ben Taylor’s story begins at the beginning with book one of The Six Worlds series.

Fairhaven is a small, private school located on a private island off the coast of British Columbia, Canada. There, students learn more than the usual courses like math and science. This tuition-free school mandates passing scores in activities such as mountain climbing and swimming.

Ben and Denzel, best friends and roommates, know there’s something different about this school. Certain students at certain times are allowed into the “restricted section” of the school library. Fellow ninth grader, Allison, is allowed into the forbidden area, but refuses to speak of it to the boys.

As the saying goes, be careful what you wish for. All too soon, Ben learns he has been Chosen. He has no idea what he’s been Chosen for. He has no idea what this means. He never realized his world isn’t the only one, or that it’s being watched over by the Guardian.
… (mer)
Bibliodiction | 1 annan recension | Apr 28, 2018 |
In this second book of The Six Worlds series, friendship again reigns supreme.

This story stresses the importance of not judging a book by its cover. Good things do indeed come in small packages. We watched Ben come into his own in the first book. In this book, we watch a small and unwanted boy grow into something more. In response to Ben’s father’s encouraging words, William takes this opportunity to change who he is.

Ben has come a long way since he first stepped on the island off the coast of British Columbia. He knows he is half dragonborn. He has grown beyond his fears. Fairhaven welcomes students new and old to a new school year.

Ben has been looking forward to traveling to his mother’s home world of Zargon. He needs to learn how to safely transform into his dragon self. Earth’s Watcher and Fairhaven’s principal has been waiting for Ben’s invitation. Zargon’s Watcher had been safely returned to his post months ago, so why has Miss Templeton heard nothing but silence from that part of the Universe?

I am loving this series! The imagination inserted into each individual world is fantastic. I cannot wait to hitch a ride as Ben and his friends travel to the next world.
… (mer)
Bibliodiction | Apr 28, 2018 |
Without a doubt, this is my favorite installment of The Six Worlds series.

As with every mission, teamwork is a must. The Guardian chooses each individual for a reason. Each being serves a specific purpose. There’s no room for superiority amongst the Chosen.

As a dragonborn, Zinc is naturally hard-headed. Add the fact he’s a prince Chosen to save his father and I’m sure you can imagine how peaceful the quest begins. Yeah… there’s no way a prince is going to think of himself as an equal to any of the other Chosen – especially a brownie!! In case you don’t remember, brownies exist for the sole purpose of serving their dragonborn masters.

The group is to meet up with Watcher Zachery on the world of Farne. We won’t be too harsh with Zachery. How many centuries do you think you could live through without having anyone to talk to or anything decent to eat while living on a near-dead planet without going mad? I wasn’t sure if the Chosen had arrived in time to save the Watcher from himself, but I suppose the Guardian knows what he’s doing.

Surprisingly, a few of the Chosen were gifted with a unique ability. The Watchers have never experienced such a gift and therefore have no advice to give. This is one of parts making this book a favorite, so no spoilers revealed.

The other reason I love this book are the lessons learned. Humility. Respect for all beings. Teamwork. Healing.

There is so much more I’d love to elaborate on, but I won’t ruin the excitement of discovery for you. I will say Zargon has been given a few challenges of their own. I hope the dragonborn are ready for some change. I also hope Mack will be able to survive those in his charge.
… (mer)
Bibliodiction | 1 annan recension | Apr 28, 2018 |
Without a doubt, this is my favorite installment of The Six Worlds series.

As with every mission, teamwork is a must. The Guardian chooses each individual for a reason. Each being serves a specific purpose. There’s no room for superiority amongst the Chosen.

As a dragonborn, Zinc is naturally hard-headed. Add the fact he’s a prince Chosen to save his father and I’m sure you can imagine how peaceful the quest begins. Yeah… there’s no way a prince is going to think of himself as an equal to any of the other Chosen – especially a brownie!! In case you don’t remember, brownies exist for the sole purpose of serving their dragonborn masters.

The group is to meet up with Watcher Zachery on the world of Farne. We won’t be too harsh with Zachery. How many centuries do you think you could live through without having anyone to talk to or anything decent to eat while living on a near-dead planet without going mad? I wasn’t sure if the Chosen had arrived in time to save the Watcher from himself, but I suppose the Guardian knows what he’s doing.

Surprisingly, a few of the Chosen were gifted with a unique ability. The Watchers have never experienced such a gift and therefore have no advice to give. This is one of parts making this book a favorite, so no spoilers revealed.

The other reason I love this book are the lessons learned. Humility. Respect for all beings. Teamwork. Healing.

There is so much more I’d love to elaborate on, but I won’t ruin the excitement of discovery for you. I will say Zargon has been given a few challenges of their own. I hope the dragonborn are ready for some change. I also hope Mack will be able to survive those in his charge.
… (mer)
Bibliodiction | 1 annan recension | Apr 11, 2018 |


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