
Mia DowningRecensioner

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2.5 stars

Read as part of [b:Campus Cravings: Higher Learning MM Boxed Set|22738703|Campus Cravings Higher Learning MM Boxed Set|KyAnn Waters|https://d.gr-assets.com/books/1405641589s/22738703.jpg|42278506]
Marlobo | Dec 24, 2022 |
3.5 stars rounded up.

A fun and easy read. This is the kind of book that you go to when you don't want to have to deal with heavy, angsty or diffucult stories. I won't say that it's fluff, because that would be doing a good book a great disservice.

It's unashamedly GFY, and I suppose it's a bit of insta-love as well, although not obviously so. There was a tiny, tiny hint of some D's stuff going on and I would have loved to have seen that explored more, although that could just be my kinky side coming out to play.

All in all a good, solid and fun read.
ShazOV | 4 andra recensioner | Feb 10, 2021 |
This story was written for my prompt in the "Love Has No Boundaries" event.

Ms. Downing took my bare-bones prompt and brought Gregg and Jase to life. Wonderfully written - there was a scene in the lake that stole my breath at the same time that it stole Gregg's in the story, as realization dawned about... well, you'll have to read it for yourself! No spoilers from me!

My only complaint, if you can call it that, is that I wanted more! (Yes, I'm greedy; I admit it!)½
Bookbee1 | 2 andra recensioner | Jun 23, 2020 |
Trained for Seduction by Mia Downing
Spy Games #1

Erotica set in spy-land…although there was not much about being a spy in the story. This was more a vehicle for erotic encounters between a new spy, Emma Kate, and her boss, Chase. Add in, toward the end, their mutual friend Jake and you had a ménage. I would have to say that the spy part was so-so, the storyline could have done with some fleshing out, the characters needed more development and even the sex scenes were okay but not as entertaining as some I have read.

Thank you to NetGalley and The Wild Rose Press for the copy of this book. This is my honest review.

3 Stars
CathyGeha | 2 andra recensioner | Dec 15, 2016 |
This was an erotic, sexy spy caper that's so over the top its good..

Emma Walters father was a crazed scientist that basically kept her prisoner. She was was also a genius like her father but very much sane. One night her father pimps her out to a "business partner" Emma was intrigued by the man even though she knew he had to be a bad guy. Things get hot and heavy but right before she is about to lose her virginity she knocks the man out.

Years later after being rescued from a plane crash that killed her father she is forced to become a spy. Before long she not only is one of the smartest spies they have but also a very well trained one in combat.

Chase Sanders was undercover all those years ago and was the man that Emma almost slept with. Now he runs the organization that she is apart of. When they meet to say Emma is shocked is an understatement. But Chase needs her for a mission and that mission entails her seducing a terrorist a skill she is not fluent in. Chase has taken the job of being the one to train her in seduction.

The heat level between these two was off the charts.
CindySnS | 2 andra recensioner | Oct 26, 2016 |
Cute, short, reunited love story.
DreZ | 2 andra recensioner | Jan 15, 2015 |
Cute, short, reunited love story.
DreZ | 2 andra recensioner | Jan 15, 2015 |
This one reminded me one of those serial romances I read when I was a teenager, in particular there was a series about people and travels, always visiting exotic locations, like this time, the Fiji Islands, a private island resort, Bendura.

Jordan is a Manhattan shark who inherits half the island from his uncle Blake. Now Blake wasn’t old, actually he was only two years older than Jordan, and the only thing I missed of this story is actually Blake, and that is strange, considering we will never “meet” him, already dead at the beginning of the story. But Blake is really a nice character, and we will feel his loss like he was an old friend.

The other partner in the resort is Ryan, Blake’s old friend and a widower. Like Jordan, Ryan arrived to the island to overcome the loss of a beloved one, his husband, and from what we gathered, Blake asked him to help Jordan overcome his loss as well. Jordan isn’t gay, and yes, maybe he likes to be dominated during sex, but by a woman, Sam, who is also Jordan’s best friend with benefits. And actually, even if he likes to bottom with Ryan, I didn’t read their relationship like a D/s one; basically Jordan likes to give up the power during sex, he finds his release like that, and he is very generous in his giving. Ryan understands that and will treasure the gift.

elisa.rolle | 4 andra recensioner | Feb 18, 2014 |
Reviewed by Victoria
Book provided by The Wild Rose Press
Review originally posted at Romancing the Book

Trained for Seduction is the first book in the Spy Games series by Mia Downing. I chose this book because I have enjoyed every Mia Downing book I have read. I have not read a bad book my Ms. Downing and this book did not disappoint.

Emma Walter with the help of plastic surgery became Kate Wells. She is a super smart and sexy woman. She is confident in her abilities. She agreed to being trained as a spy rather than go to prison. She comes across as a likable character one that your heart goes out to as she battles Chase for his heart.

Chase Sanders is a smart, sexy and confident man. He hungers for the one woman that got away from him, Emma who is now Kate. Chase guards his heart because in the end due to his job he thinks that most people will hate him and it’s just better that way. He is a very complicated person. It seems that Chase is his own worst enemy.

The chemistry between Kate and Chase is explosive. They are a good match for each other in and out of the bedroom. I loved that the thing that attracted Chase to Kate the most was her mind. The sex scenes were blistering hot. I loved that Kate was not intimidated by Chase in anyway not even when they first meet.

I loved this book! There is nothing that could have improved this story, it was perfect just the way it was. This book goes in the small pile of book that I will re-read in the future. I cannot wait to read the next book in the series! I already have it on my e-reader and I will be starting it once I am finished writing this.
RtB | 2 andra recensioner | Oct 31, 2013 |
Reviewed by Melissa D
Book provided by The Wild Rose Press, Inc.
Review originally posted at Romancing the Book

I chose this book because of the author. I have been a Mia Downing fan after I read her book Exceeding Boundaries which I enjoyed a whole lot. Spy Games: Lethal Limits is the second book in the Spy Games series by Mia Downing. While this book can be read as a standalone it does help to have read the first book in the series so you are not lost.

Jake is in love with his boss’s wife, Kate. He is forced to be Tia’s new partner. While he sees Tia in a new light, he still struggles with his emotions and feelings for both Kate and Tia. Jake is a strong and handsome man.

Tia is no shrinking violet. She stands her ground for what she believed in. Tia has to deal with issues of her own besides Jake’s. She battles her inner demons and has a bad habit of inflicting pain on herself.

The chemistry between Tia and Jake is off the charts. They brought the best in themselves out when they were together. They sex scenes were hot and steamy. This book is roller coaster of emotions.

I enjoyed the subplot between chase and Kate. It was nice to see them from the first book. I enjoyed that their story in this book did not overshadow the story line between Jake and Tia.

There is not much that could have made this story better. I do wish that Jake was not so confused. It would have made the story flow better. Overall, I cannot wait to read Charlotte’s story which is next up.
RtB | Oct 31, 2013 |
Reviewed by Melissa D
Book provided by The Wild Rose Press
Review originally posted at Romancing the Book

Ripped by Mia Downing is not part of a series by Mia Downing but it is part of a collection of stories by the publisher called ‘Boys of Summer’. I chose this story because I have not read a bad story by the author, Mia Downing, yet.

Erick and Gavin have been friends since they were very young, but since high school, Erick has been in love with Gavin. Erick has assumed it was one sided and never acted upon his feelings. The author does a fabulous job of letting us know the backgrounds of the two main characters without it becoming a focus of the story.

I enjoyed that while Erick and Gavin have known each other a long time they are still learning more about each other. I loved Erick’s realization that Gavin has feelings for Erick he cannot truly love Erick until he can love himself. I also enjoyed there was not one size fits all solution to solve the problem.

The chemistry between Erick and Gavin is off the charts. The sex scenes are amazing. The only scene that I was puzzled by was the riptide scene. Maybe it is because live near the ocean, but a big deal is made on how to successfully escape a riptide. I found it hard to believe that if Erick goes to the beach as much as he does but he does not know how to escape one.

There is nothing in the that I would fix. I would like a sequel. I would like to see how Gavin is able to conquer his inner demons. Overall, I loved this story; this is another winner by Mia Downing.
RtB | Oct 31, 2013 |
This book was adorable. Light and fluffy, just a tiny bit of conflict, and a nice take on a favorite trope of mine (GFY).
Bitchie | 4 andra recensioner | Sep 21, 2013 |
4 1/2 stars, solid, really hard to bump up or down.

OK, I really enjoyed this. When I got reading time, this came out and I read through it, one night (until past midnight), and one evening, not even 24 hours. So the romance kept my attention.

This was a true romance with sexy erotica all through it. Having said that, the complaints that this is from a "feminine" POV or not realistic? Really? What romance is realistic? Almost all romance or erotic romance is written by women and read by women whether m/f, m/m, m/f/m, etc... I've noticed more men in the m/m sub-genre but still... so, is it from a feminine point of view? Damn right and it was damn good.

The good of it--
There is a lot of fun between the characters throughout. There are a lot of laughs out loud moments, yet it is not a comedy. The characters are both sweet and sexy with lots of chemistry from the start. Jordan doesn't fight his new found gay side like so many GFY (gay for you) novels do, and this was refreshing. He tries to use it. He had a whole other set of demons to fight- being addicted to the 60 hour work week, making money, and high stress NYC life. Ryan teaching him to give up control, not in a BDSM sort of way but a letting go, and letting life goes where it takes you way.

Some people have said that this is opposites attract story but... Ryan is more like Jordan than Blake ever was. Ryan came from that same high stressed city life of making money, he got over it. And this story was getting Jordan to get over it and to let go too.

There were a lot of emotional moments mostly centering around saying good-bye to Blake. I really like the little twist in the end. I loved the one scene with Samantha and would probably like to read her story. I wonder if Mia Downing has any thoughts on where that character might be heading? And the ending left me satisfied.

So why the indecision on the 1/2 star, well I'll probably go up but...
The love came so fast and it was a little too talkative. Not that I don't like the love at first sight (lust at first sight) but the trust that really makes the love was too quick on Jordan's part. In three days, he really trusts Ryan. Also this was of such a top 1% with both the main characters richer than Midas, that it was out of my frame of reference. Luckily mostly it revolved around real work at an island resort, so I could relate there. I don't know if I'll do a re-read and that usually is my decision on 4 or 5 stars, even if for just certain parts.

Very good erotic romance.

tivonut | 4 andra recensioner | Jul 25, 2013 |
Okay, so I loved this book! Seriously. When I first started the book, I was nervous because Jordan comes in as the ruthless businessman type, which doesn't always work for me. Then I got to know him and he had all these layers to him. Watching him discover who he really is and figure out where he belongs in the world was a complete pleasure.

I loved Ryan too. He really understood Jordan better than even Jordan did. He knew when to push and when to step back, which is ultimately why I think they were so great together.

The island setting was practically a character unto itself. I want to go there! Even with the huge spiders and the volcano. Also, even though he dies before the start of the book, I loved Blake. I learned so much about him through Ryan and Jordan that I felt like I knew him as well.

I'm not sure if Mia Downing is planning on writing a book for Sam, Jordan's sorta-ex-but-current-friend, but I would be first in line to read it.

Overall 5 stars!

I was given a copy of this book in exchange for an honest review.
Jyl22075 | 4 andra recensioner | Mar 31, 2013 |
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