
Donna EderRecensioner

Författare till A natural unfolding

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Eder has written a memoir about her journey through a dark time of illness and doubt, and also the spiritual guidance that came to her from dreams, nature, and supporters, what she learned, and how she healed. There may be certain important things that each of us can only learn in a dark experience, so the dark times that we all have can be the openings for our spiritual transformation. This graciously written pamphlet could offer encouraging and helpful guidance for such times.
QuakerReviews | 1 annan recension | Sep 20, 2023 |
Donna Eder recounts a year of darkness in her life during which she faced physical illness, times of uncertainty and doubt, and the challenges of the COVID-19 pandemic. Using metaphors from a poem by Wendell Berry, she seeks to bring a deeper understanding to the darker phases of our spiritual journeys. Through the spiritual guides and dreams that provided invaluable support during this time, she learned the importance of being receptive and of living out her own unique retirement rather than trying to conform to the social norms around her. Discussion questions are included.
PendleHillLibrary | 1 annan recension | Aug 22, 2023 |
Donna Eder recounts her spiritual awakening and the path that unfolded as a result. The illness and eventual death of her mother from ALS (Lou Gehrig's disease) brought her family closer to each other and closer to God. After her mother's death, Donna had an experience of Divine union that has reverberated throughout her life. Using dreams and journaling, she has learned to stay in touch with her inner truth. When she began to follow the leadings of her heart, she saw both her inner and outer life transform, and she was able to experience wholeness. Her story offers an illustration of how to approach our spiritual journeys and remain open to the movements of Spirit in our lives.
PendleHillLibrary | 2 andra recensioner | Jul 9, 2019 |
BirmFrdsMtg | 2 andra recensioner | Jul 1, 2019 |
Eder tells the story of her spiritual path, marked by grief and loss matched by acceptance and the blooming of love, a mystical experience of boundless love and bliss, growing awareness of the inner source of knowing, a challenging process of opening to the guidance of the Spirit, faithfulness to a leading, building a loving spiritual community through her leading, integrating her work with her spiritual life, and in all these processes finding her way to wholeness and spiritual wisdom.
While it is her own unique story, it illustrates and fills out the universal story of spiritual growth, with elements and lessons that can provide helpful insights to others. Her description of how journaling, dream-interpretation, and retreats were richly productive for her awareness and transformation illustrates the essential role of spiritual disciplines.
Eder's pamphlet provides an example of the spiritual path as a process of spiritual growth, commitment, and transformation. While everone's path is unique, such a clear and focused example can both inform and inspire each of us on our own way.
QuakerReviews | 2 andra recensioner | Jun 22, 2019 |
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