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Useful manual. Fairly concise, but with enough information to still be helpful to people like me, who know the basic technical stuff pretty well but have plenty to learn about composition and material. Not much of it is actually specific to "travel", but then why would taking a picture of some other city be magically different from taking one of where I live?
eldang | 3 andra recensioner | Sep 18, 2019 |
Useful manual. Fairly concise, but with enough information to still be helpful to people like me, who know the basic technical stuff pretty well but have plenty to learn about composition and material. Not much of it is actually specific to "travel", but then why would taking a picture of some other city be magically different from taking one of where I live?
eldang | 3 andra recensioner | Aug 11, 2019 |
I thought this book was great for an amateur photographer like me. It coached me on how to prepare for the journey, what to bring for the journey, and how to think out of the box and take photos from different perpectives and angles.
catnips13 | 3 andra recensioner | Dec 8, 2015 |
This book is less of a technical crash course than most photo books, the emphasis is on what other than technique to think about when you're about to take photos in urban environments. How light reflects in skyscrapers, how to find postcard views, how to get around etc. As such it is a really inspiring book. Each section of the book covers different urban settings and the author discuss different strategies and approaches to finding that special angle which makes your photo stand out. The sections are also richly illustrated with Richards own photos captioned with aperture and shutter speeds. The material is probably divided roughly 50/50 between photos and text but his photos perfectly illustrate the point made in the text and thus convey a lot of information.
The reader is expected not only to work with an SLR (or DSLR) camera but to know his/her way around aperture settings, ISO ratings and shutter speeds. Don't be discouraged though, the level of expected knowledge is fairly low and the introductory section covers all the topics.

This book is recommended for anyone interested in photography on a hobbyist level (or an aspiring full-time photographer), especially in urban photography but not limited to. I sincerely enjoyed the book and will keep it as a reference.
dege | Apr 2, 2007 |
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