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Maddie moves from NYC back home to Oregon to help her sick grandmother. She finds her grandmother not as sick as was reported. Gran has an idea that Maddy open a bakery in town while Gran moves to the senior high rise. Maddy isn't gung-ho about it but decides to look at property that Gran has picked out for it. Her high school nemesis is the realtor but has a funny way of doing business. Why is she trying to keep Maddy from buying the place? Then the mayor dies and it looks like Maddy may be the murderer? Is she? Can she solve it before ex-flame turned sheriff arrests her for the murder?

I enjoyed this book. It sets the series up by introducing the characters and world building the town. I liked Maddy and Gran. They are feisty women who know what they want and will do what they have to to get it. Ethan, the sheriff, is tight-lipped during the investigation. It does not stop Maddy and her friends from investigating on their own. What happens during their investigation scared me for them. I did figure out the why of the murder and kind of the who.

I look forward to further adventures of Maddie and her crew.
Sheila1957 | 2 andra recensioner | Dec 23, 2023 |
I enjoyed getting to know Jess, Officer Fine, Lissa and Maestro.

The story was short but the mystery was interesting. This series seems like the mystery is the reason to visit the characters but the overarching character arch will be the main thing that progresses in each book.
agentash | Aug 21, 2023 |
Not for me.
“The Girlz”
Just found it general tone annoying
liltastypuff | 2 andra recensioner | Sep 12, 2022 |
This book had a lot of potential. The blurb was intriguing and I liked the premise behind the mystery. But, I personally didn't think it was a very compelling read.

I'm always looking for cozies that bring something new to the genre. So, I liked how the book at least started off with a no-murder mystery - the disappearance of many pets, including Maddie's.

However, the book drags at many points. At times, I found myself asking when the book would end or when the next big clue would be found. I think the book would have been more compelling if certain parts were cut. Maybe a writing style where Phipps shows instead of telling the reader the story could have also tightened up the book.

I found Maddie to be unrealistically naïve at many points, especially since she's supposed to have worked at a bakery in New York City. For example, she doesn't vet the intern she's hiring. She believes that the police department should increase their resources on the missing pet case in spite of the department lacking physical evidence of the blackmailing and in spite of the other more pressing and violent cases the police has to deal with.

Characters don't have to be perfect and it's ok that they have flaws in spite of (or perhaps because of) their life experiences. However, in cozy mysteries I think these flaws should not be magnified to the point where the reader is frequently exasperated or annoyed with a character, especially if it's the protagonist.

Readers who like trying to solve the mystery of a book should be aware that it's not really possible to do so with this one as there aren't that many clues that readers can use. Readers should also be aware that there are several typos in the book. However, the typos aren't too distracting.

For more of my reviews, please visit:
mintlovesbooks | Feb 24, 2022 |
Charming the Chef by C.A. Phipps is the fourth A Celebrity Corgi Romance. Lyra and Kaden were friends in culinary school, but fates conspired to keep them apart. They have now reconnected, and it is like they have never been apart. Someone, though, is not happy for the chefs and takes matters into his own hands. Lyra St. Claire is a strong female character with a plus-sized figure. I like that this series features females who are not a size six. Cinnamon, Lyra’s corgi, is a wonderful companion and friend to Lyra. There is romance, cooking and intrigue in this charming story. Charming the Chef contains good writing and it proceeds at a snappy pace. I liked the chemistry between Lyra and Kaden plus the way they were at ease with each other. There are great secondary characters like Maggie, Dan and Colin (he adds humor too). We get to see how hard it is to run a restaurant and pull off big events. It takes a team as we see in Charming the Chef. I do wish there had been an epilogue to show how the couple are faring a little way into the future. Charming the Chef has delectable dishes, heated situations, a cuddly canine, and two captivated chefs.
Kris_Anderson | Aug 4, 2019 |
cosy-mystery, amateur-sleuth, women-sleuths, friendship, family

From her position with a friend's family patisserie in NYC, Maddie makes a mad dash to her hometown to help her Gran with the work of selling up and deciding to move. When she and her Maine Coon cat get there, prepared to stay more than the time she's allotted if needed, Gran nudges her in the direction of sharing expenses, opening her own bakery, and creating a two bedroom apartment above the shop. The location is perfect, but the building is a mess and requires professional help to make it what they need. Meanwhile, Maddie connects with all of her old friends and discovers that her high school boyfriend is now the Sheriff stationed in their small town. Everything looks rosy until one of her friends is murdered and the cause of death is arsenic. That's when Maddie discovers her inner sleuth!
An excellent read!
jetangen4571 | 2 andra recensioner | Nov 9, 2018 |
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