
Stuart HazeldineRecensioner

Författare till The Shack [2017 film]

2 verk 148 medlemmar 1 recension


Due to its outside-the-box approach, THE SHACK is an excellent springboard for discussions regarding theology, evangelism, ecumenism, racism, sexism, and one’s own personal hierarchy of values. Father Anthony Perkins of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church has many good things to say about it (http://www.orthoanalytika.org/2017/10/19/book-discussion-the-shack) while the Orthodox Church of America's Department of Christian Education presents nothing but criticism (http://dce.oca.org/assets/templates/bulletin.cfm?mode=html&id=28). Navigate these two appraisals and this controversial film by using the Orthodox Study Guide also available for checkout. This film is highly recommended for an adult discussion group. In such a discussion group, it is important to pay attention to people's emotional reactions to various parts of the film and any irrational thoughts associated with such feelings.
sagocreno | Jul 10, 2018 |