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Fareed Zakaria

Författare till The Post-American World

19+ verk 4,146 medlemmar 86 recensioner 9 favoritmärkta

Om författaren

Fareed Zakaria was born in Mumbai, India on January 20, 1964. He received a B.A. from Yale University and a Ph.D. in political science in 1993 from Harvard University. He was the managing editor of Foreign Affairs before becoming the editor of Newsweek International in 2000. He writes a weekly visa mer foreign affairs column in the publication and also has a weekly show on CNN called Fareed Zakaria GPS. Prior to that he worked as a news analyst from 2002 to 2007 on ABC's This Week with George Stephanopoulos and hosted the weekly show Foreign Exchange with Fareed Zakaria on PBS. He is the author of several books including The Future of Freedom, The Post-American World, and In Defense of a Liberal Education. (Bowker Author Biography) visa färre
Foto taget av: Credit: Larry D. Moore, Oct. 30, 2007, Las Vegas, Nevada

Verk av Fareed Zakaria

The Post-American World (2008) 2,105 exemplar, 52 recensioner
In Defense of a Liberal Education (2015) 313 exemplar, 9 recensioner
Ten Lessons for a Post-Pandemic World (2020) 300 exemplar, 13 recensioner
Retour vers le futur (2021) 1 exemplar

Associerade verk

The Best American Magazine Writing 2003 (2003) — Bidragsgivare — 71 exemplar
The Best American Magazine Writing 2010 (2010) — Bidragsgivare — 44 exemplar
The Best American Political Writing 2005 (2005) — Bidragsgivare — 37 exemplar
Time Magazine 2011.02.28 (2011) — Bidragsgivare — 2 exemplar


Allmänna fakta



Interesting history. No earth shattering insights here.
ghefferon | 1 annan recension | Aug 26, 2024 |
Mildly interesting and very simplistic view of the revolutions that have shaped the world.
MaggieFlo | 1 annan recension | Aug 16, 2024 |
Reason read: TIOLI #10 title with freedom
First off, this book is nonfiction, written by Fareed Zakaria (Indian/American) journalist, works for CNN and Washington Post. He is a political person and identifies as a centrist; Centrism is a political outlook or position involving acceptance or support of a balance of social equality and a degree of social hierarchy while opposing political changes that would result in a significant shift of society strongly to the left or the right. This book is a commentary of democracy and constitutionalism and the many forms of democracy. Illiberal Democracy restricts freedom of thought and behavior. The US was a constitutionalism country originally but that has been eroded over the years. This book covers all the problems with the US political system and how there really is no two party system. It is a system run by special interest and polls and how a lot of reform has actually caused the many losses to the original ideas that the country was founded on. The author also covers in depth all the countries of the world and the forms of government and what he considers the deciding factors of freedom. Easy money whether it is oil based or money given to countries by other countries does not promote movement toward freedom for the people. The book also covers religion; Christianity, secularism, Islam and its affect on government and governments effects on it.

I found it an interesting book but I can't say that I understood it. I do think there were gems but on the other hand, you can't pin any one thought down. The author does not like to take sides but rather provides information. I ended up feeling that there really is no hope of turning things around here in the US and voting really doesn't offer any leverage to influence change. Published in 2004 and still pretty much describes things as they continue to be.
… (mer)
Kristelh | 8 andra recensioner | Dec 21, 2023 |
Very well researched with a precise and reassuring, non-apocalyptic analysis of our current world situation--that being China, India, Russia and Brazil, among others, rising up to challenge the economic and even military prowess of the USA. The pros and cons of the various emerging nations and their development are presented in a balanced and rational fashion. Written in simple, uncomplicated prose and polished with a team of editors/writers/researchers ETC to make the text accessible to the non-academic reader. However, the language of economics when dealing with subjects such as GDP, current account deficit, budget deficit, trade deficit, was often difficult for me to absorb (specifically the mathematical aspect of economic "science" which I find to be confusing). This book helped me to flesh out my own geopolitical world view as I gained insight into issues I was familiar with (IE through my sometime reading of The Economist) where I lacked detailed knowledge. The ultimate question posed by this book was: "Will the USA accept its position as a declining superpower and adapt/negotiate with its fellow nations, or will it continue to be lost in the delusion of its own greatness?" "Post-American World" was a fast and informative read and I plan on reading Mr. Zakaria's other books after reading this title.… (mer)
stephencbird | 51 andra recensioner | Sep 19, 2023 |



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