
realistic fiction (33), fantasy (30), friendship (12), informational (12), poetry (10), folklore (9), rhyming (9), humor (7), biography (6), historical fiction (5), science fiction (4), imagination (4), adventure (4), writing (3), perspective (3), pumpkins (3), diversity (3), funny (3), counting (3), sharks (3), space (3), colors (3), family (3), school (3), science (3), animals (3), history (3), fall (2), ocean (2), penguins (2), sentence fluency (2), pictures (2), wordless (2), cats (2), emotions (2), point of view (2), seasons (2), feelings (2), dogs (2), repetition (2), blueberries (1), messes (1), sizes (1), fractions (1), predicting (1), optical illusion (1), hippos (1), squirrel (1), rhymes (1), being different (1), giraffes (1), community helpers (1), flight/flying (1), naps (1), firstdaynerves (1), power/greed (1), first time away from parents (1), pancakes (1), cranes (1), helping others (1), bedtime fears (1), cultures. tall tale (1), dinosaur's (1), zoology (1), poetry/science (1), be thankful (1), groundhog day (1), print awareness (1), Stephen F. Austin (1), snow day (1), Christmas (1), day in the life of a dog (1), be helpful (1), holidays (Halloween) (1), plants (1), football (1), life (1), holiday (1), celebrating (1), cat (1), bedtime (1), president (1), elephants (1), facts (1), poet (1), first grade humor (1), birthday (1), tall tales (1), ice (1), organization (1), grammar (1), stand up for what you believe in (1), be yourself (1), fiction (1), girl power (1), typing (1), inventions (1), greed (1), acceptance (1), giants (1), dinosaurs (1), zoo (1), ducks (1), independence (1), baseball (1), courage (1), prediction (1), fairytales (1), fairy tales (1), comics (1), art (1), pets (1), reptiles (1), fear (1), winter (1), diary (1), spiders (1), time (1), reading (1), trains (1), robots (1), bullying (1), war (1), love (1), friends (1), Science fiction (1), dog (1), creativity (1), expression (1), super heroes (1), gorillas (1), short stories (1), halloween (1), shapes (1), news papers (1), Benjamin Franklin (1), contest (1), lighthouse (1), cleaning (1), encouraging (1), determination (1), safety (1), moon (1), pirates (1), gender roles (1), community (1), word choice (1), weather (1), mistakes (1), bears (1), worms (1), pollution (1), literacy (1), royalty (1), immigration (1), election (1), cows (1), island (1), multicultural (1), nature (1), overjoyed (1)
Taggmoln, Författarmoln, Taggspegel
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Aug 27, 2018