
Författarmoln, Taggspegel
Gått med
Aug 12, 2007
Riktigt namn
W. Bradford Swift (Brad)
Om mitt bibliotek
My library is eclectic ranging from a heavy dose of science fiction and fantasy to a lot of books on spirituality and personal development.

The organization is... well, it's really not very organized though I can usually find what I'm looking for in a few minutes.
Om mig
Dr. Brad Swift is a well-received writer, renowned speaker and revered life coach that has touched millions through his inspiring and thought-provoking articles, speaking engagements to local and national audiences and one-on-one coaching work. He is also the founder of the Life on Purpose Institute, an organization that trains and certifies Life on Purpose Coaches and offers spiritual growth programs, retreats, an online series and special reports for individuals and coaches.

Brad is also a “Burned Out Baby Boomer” in recovery, having burned out to a crisp in his former career, but who was able to “arise from the ashes” to design an indescribably delicious and fulfilling life — a life on purpose.
Mountains of North Carolina