
The Bookshelf for Boys and Girls Vol. 9 (83), Great Events and Famous People (82), First Story Book (70), The Children's Hour Vol. 1 (70), The Children's Hour Vol. 15 (53), Leaders and Heroes (53), Month 1 (32), Animals (26), Explorers (23), Poetry (23), Inventors (23), Great Lives (19), E-books (17), Presidents (11), Ocean (7), Dogs (6), Month 8 (5), Women (5), Great Adventures that Changed the World (5), Writers (5), Abraham Lincoln (4), Christopher Columbus (4), Henry Wadsworth Longfellow (4), George Washington (3), Month 4 (3), Charles Dickens (3), Robert Louis Stevenson (3), Hans Christian Andersen (3), Printing (3), Rabbits (3), Airplanes (3), Vikings (3), Bears (3), Civil War (3), Thomas Alva Edison (3), Albert Schweitzer (2), Jacques Cartier (2), Mark Twain (2), Samuel de Champlain (2), Elephant (2), Henry Hudson (2), Eli Whitney (2), Orville Wright (2), Goose (2), Louis Agassiz (2), Dr. Suess (2), Mermaid (2), Robert E. Lee (2), George Washington Carver (2), Thomas Jefferson (2), Alexander Graham Bell (2), Vehicles (2), Patrick Henry (2), Toys (2), Charles A. Lindbergh (2), Cats (2), Wilbur Wright (2), Pere Marquette (2), Month 2 (2), Pilgrims (2), Marie Curie (2), Benjamin Franklin (2), Ferdinand Magellan (2), John Gutenberg (2), Helen Keller (2), John James Audubon (2), Vasco Nunez de Balboa (2), Guglielmo Marconi (2), Month 9 (2), Theodore Roosevelt (2), Marco Polo (2), A. A. Milne (2), Ducks (1), Trucks (1), Boats (1), Antonio Van Dyck (1), Fish (1), Leonardo Da Vinci (1), Bus (1), Scientists (1), Month 5 (1), Pottery (1), Marjorie Flack (1), Kate Douglas Wiggn (1), Louis Joseph (1), Samuel Pierpont Langley (1), Underground Railroad (1), Pirates (1), Giovanni Verrazano (1), Gilbert de Lafayette (1), Electricity (1), Garden (1), Angels (1), South America (1), Horses (1), Bottgher (1), Birds (1), Jean de Brushoff (1), Narcissi Whitman (1), Seals (1), Giraffe (1), Leif Ericsson (1), Edward Joseph Flanagan (1), Hernando Cortez (1), Joseph Pulitzer (1), Wolfgang Mozart (1), John Peter Zenger (1), Ponce De Leon (1), The Gold Rush (1), H. A. Rey (1), Ralph Johnson Bunche (1), Cyrus Hall McCormick (1), Charles Steinmetz (1), Cotton Gin (1), James Oglethorpe (1), Jean Henri Fabre (1), Sewing Machine (1), Pierre Curie (1), Chicken (1), Pierre Esprit Radisson (1), Sports Heroes (1), America Vespucci (1), Singer (1), Francisco Pizzaro (1), Robert Cavelier La Salle (1), Inventor (1), Mouse (1), Robert de La Salle (1), Sir Alexander Mackenzie (1), Donkey (1), Henri Fabre (1), Robert Edwin Peary (1), Pig (1), Helicopter (1), Alexander MacKenzie (1), Laurence Coster (1), Children's Books (1), Animal (1), Dwight D. Eisenhower (1), Sun Yat-Sen (1), Oregon Trail (1), St. Francis (1), James Watt (1), Andrew Jackson (1), Sacajawea (1), Louis Pasteur (1), Hernando de Soto (1), Clara Barton (1), Pytheas (1), Florence Nightingale (1), Susan B. Anthony (1), Sam Houston (1), Daniel Boone (1), Harriet Tubman (1), Franklin Delano Roosevelt (1), Louis Braille (1), Henry the Navigator (1), William Watson (1), Grasshoppers (1), Ulysses S. Grant (1), Sir Winston Churchill (1), Lou Gehrig (1), Pioneers (1), Shakespeare (1), Indians (1), China (1), Pennsylvania (1), Women's Rights (1), Louisa May Alcott (1), Telegraph (1), Thanksgiving (1), Albert Einstein (1), Lewis and Clark (1), Curious George (1), Henry Ford (1), Thomas Paine (1), Mount Vernon (1), Explorer (1), Handel (1), Howard Pyle (1), Captain James Cook (1), Luther Burbank (1), Gettysburg Address (1), Juan Ponce de Leon (1), Mohandas Gandhi (1), Insects (1), Lewis Carroll (1), Boston Tea Party (1), Queen Elizabeth II (1), Simon Bolivar (1), Marian Anderson (1), Ludwig Van Beethoven (1), Palissy (1), France (1), John Smith (1), Michelangelo (1), Chinese (1), Galileo Galilei (1), Jacob Riis (1), Hanno (1), Elias Howe (1), Haym Salomon (1), Giuseppe Garibaldi (1), Arthur Hugh Clough (1), Marcus Whitman (1), Sir Wilfred Grenfell (1), Nature (1), Jane Addams (1), World War II (1), William Penn (1), Nathan Hale (1), Daniel Webster (1), Algonquins (1), Herbert Hoover (1), Johann Gutenberg (1), Charles Goodyear (1), George Westinghouse (1), De Soto (1), Steam Engine (1), Samuel F. B. Morse (1), Wright Brothers (1), Canada (1), Woodrow Wilson (1), Babar (1), Paul Revere (1), Walt Whitman (1), Winnie-the-Pooh (1), Joan of Arc (1), Galileo (1), William Shakespeare (1), American Revolution (1), Texas (1), Booker T. Washington (1)
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Aug 8, 2016