Om mitt bibliotek
My job/workplace has taught me that despite the incredible economic/racial inequities between urban and suburban school districts (e.g., my budget, serving over 700, mostly Latino kids, with no aide, is under $2,000 per year), working in a school like mine is incredibly rewarding. When I entered the profession, I was under the erroneous impression that there was a shortage of school librarians (now widely viewed as myth), and I reluctantly accepted the job I have now. Now, I would not want to go anywhere else! When I arrived the collection dated from the 60s and earlier. However, I've had the opportunity, through a very generous corporate book donation, to rebuilt the collection entirely. I'm still working with the other district librarians on revising the curriculum. It's not easy. Few of our kids speak English at home, budgets are low, class sizes big, and technology falls a bit short. But we have a great administration and staff and are making progress.
Om mig
I'm a school media specialist in an urban K-5 school. Formerly, I worked as a writer and editor for various publications including Hungary-based travel magazines, Jewish organizational publications and business documents. As a sideline (doesn't everyone have one these days to pay the rent or mortgage), I'm a jewelry designer. Most of the books I collect at home are out of print, and include Hungarian and other Central/East European literature in translation, 19th-early 20th century feminist/suffragist history, European Jewish art, architecture and photography, art nouveau art and architecture, and early Israel-themed children's books.
New Jersey