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Dec 21, 2008
Riktigt namn
Donna Ledbetter
Om mitt bibliotek
My library includes a bit of this and that. There are business books, diet books, investment books, communications books, dating books, etc. I also have a bit of classic and modern literary fiction thrown in for good measure. I have to admit that with regard to fiction, I'm like all the other billions of people in the world who walk through bookstores and libraries and decide on a book based solely on its cover. I also like to read some of Oprah's bookclub selections as well. That's how I discovered Barbara Kingsolver and, admittedly, Toni Morrison, though both of these women had been prolific writers long before Oprah discovered them. Now they are among my favorite authors. Other favorite authors include James Baldwin and John Steinbeck. I'm also growing a fondness for poetry (albeit very slowly), and have come to enjoy the works of Edgar Allen Poe, Shakespeare, and Nikki Giovanni.
Om mig
By profession, I am a book editor, so I suppose it's natural that I would I love books. Over the years, I've discovered that my favorite books are nonfiction how-tos, including books on business, investing, networking, and public relations. I'm also very interested in the communications field, so I also have a lot of books on my shelf about writing, social media, and the publishing industry. Learning about other cultures is another area of interest, especially with regard to the roles of women, racial/economic discrimination, and globalization.

I abhor books about war and the military. I also tend to shy away from history, though I am a fan of David McCollough. I don't own any books about math (beyond investing) or science, but those are fields I've been looking into lately.

An interested person can also find me on the Internet at I am the MidAtlantic travel editor. I also have a blog on google called Walking Toward Wisdom that chronicles my personal journey into discovering more about the world.

I am also the Public Relations Director for Elsie Owolo, Miss Black Maryland 2009. In that role, I work with Miss Owolo in securing speaking engagements, media appearances, and sponsorships.
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Bibliotek: Prince George's County Memorial Library System (PGCMLS) - New Carrollton