Jean-Louis Aubert & Telephone


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Jean-Louis Aubert & Telephone

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apr 10, 2007, 2:16 pm

In 1972 a 17-year-old named Jean-Louis Aubert and his childhood friend Olivier “Olive” Caudron left Paris to travel across the U.S. Energized by American and British rock groups (there were no such bands in France), the two hitchhiked with their guitars, dreaming of mingling with hippies and anarchists, and soaking up the magic that would make them great musicians. Perhaps they would even be discovered.

In the streets, to earn money, they strummed and sang songs by The Rolling Stones and Crosby, Stills & Nash, joined often by the locals. For five months they crossed the country without staying in a motel, winding up in San Francisco, where they saw Jefferson Airplane in concert before returning to Paris.

Aubert later said that the journey was an initiation. He had taken the risk and he had had a vision—to write rock songs in French, which no one had done. The poetry of the voyage was his inspiration. And he had read Jack Kerouac’s On the Road.

More on The Modern Library’s Top 100 novels at

And American rockers Z Sheet reimagine 5 great Telephone songs! Info at