Informational Book - #3

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Informational Book - #3

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Redigerat: maj 6, 2011, 11:36 pm

Yolen, J. (2010). All star! Honus Wagner and the most famous baseball card ever. New York, NY: Philomel Books.

Jane Yolen writes a delightfully nostalgic biography of one of baseball’s all-time greatest players and certainly its greatest shortstop – Honus Wagner. Long-armed and bow-legged even as a boy (traits that would later serve him well), Wagner grew up to become one of Pittsburgh’s most unforgettable heroes. Born in 1874 to poor German immigrants, Johannes Peter (Honus) Wagner worked hard in the coal mines, developed strength of body and of character, and a genuine love for the game of baseball. His fame and outstanding accomplishments earned him his very own baseball card – but because it came in cigarette packs he quickly withdrew them from circulation. He didn’t want to be associated with anything that might give children wrong ideas about smoking. So, the remaining few cards are priceless today. This is a wonderfully inspiring book. True to Yolen artistry as a writer, and to Jim Burke’s talent as an illustrator, this book will please children in grades 3 and up. In the words of Wagner, “How about that!”