Galactic coordinates


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Galactic coordinates

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Redigerat: jul 8, 2012, 3:25 pm

I am trying to visualize the galactic location of the stars wrt the galactic position.

Here is a link to a wiki page about galactic coordinates.

Galactic coordinates
positions based on galactic center

Galactic quadrants
positions based on the Sun as the center

From thase pages there are of course several more links to helpful resources.

The basic coordinates for the galactic quadrants, based on the Sun as (0,0): Sagittarus galactic center 0 degrees; Cygnus 90 degrees; Auriga 180; and Vela 270.

The Galactic North is Coma Berenices. The Galactic South is Sculptor. I may be able to see this. I have not looked for that constellation before.

I cannot see Vela - too far south.

One interesting point about the galactic coordinates. 90 degrees is measures in the direction of the Sun, clockwise from North. It is the opposite direction around the galaxy from the planets around the Sun.

Please make any corrections to the above comments. I am trying to place the stars and constellations within their galactic positions as I look at them.