Werewolf Transformations Gift or Curse???


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Werewolf Transformations Gift or Curse???

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Redigerat: jul 10, 2012, 12:16 pm

Judging by what people have to go through in the Werewolf movies every time they transform into Werewolves it's an awful
painful process. I think most people would say that being a Werewolf would be a Curse and not a a Gift even though Werwolves tend to live longer than humans until they're caught and killed that is. Which is why if you're a Werewolf it's best to live far out in the Forest somewhere far away from Civilization where you don't have to worry about killing any humans. By choosing to live in a Forest you can live a much longer life without the worry of people trying to hunt you down and killing you. In the Twilight Saga books the Werewolves can force themselves to transform any time they want to not just during the Full Moon. Also when someone transforms into a Werewolf they become this murderous beast with a lust for killing anyone and anything that is in their path at the time. And if the person they attack happens to survive then they also will become a Werewolf too. I guess the advantages to becoming a Werewolf is that you get a super sense of smell and become stronger and faster so in that respect I guess you could say that the Werewolf transformations was actually a Gift.


jul 12, 2012, 2:09 pm

I think it's a double-edge sword for many of the reasons you say above. I think loneliness would be another drawback because any human friends would be possible prey on a full moon. The werewolf would have to stay away from friends right at a time she might need one to help her through. Or, she would find a friend and eat her up! A positive would be being unique, special, different from other humanoids. It's interesting how many different werewolf characteristics are given by different authors. There are many different ones. In Twilight, I see the wolves more as shapeshifters, although I know they're called werewolves. Seems like they would be hunting humans if they were "traditional" werewolves.

Redigerat: jul 13, 2012, 1:37 pm

It would also be very hard to be in a Relationship with someone unless you made them into a Werewolf too and you started to create your own Wolf Pack and I can imagine where it would also be very difficult to have any Pets around too. They would certainly sense that there's something different about you and would avoid you whenever there's a Full Moon. I would make sure I would stay away from people I love and any Pets too right before my change at the Full Moon that way I can be sure that I wouldn't acidentally kill them by mistake.


jul 13, 2012, 3:54 pm

I totally agree with everything you said. I just found the book The Werewolf's Guide to Life. It's supposedly tongue-in-cheek (and I'm not a werewolf) but it could be a useful work for a real werewolf. I haven't read that much, but I think it may give some of the advice you wrote above.

Redigerat: aug 3, 2012, 2:14 pm

If someone was a Werewolf they might want to try being chained up in a basement or a Dungeon somewhere far away from
any humans. You see this happening in some movies but eventually they still break the chains that bind them. Of course anything that is pure Silver is supposed to be fatal to Werewolves that's why a Silver Bullet can kill them. Have you read The Werewolf's Guide to Life?? What do you think of the Werewolf movies like:

An American Werewolf in London
An American Werewolf in Paris
The Howling Series
Silver Bullet
Teen Wolf
Teen Wolf Too
The Underworld movies focus on the Vampires vs. Werewolf Wars
The Beast Must Die
The Werewolf vs. Vampire Women
Wolf with Jack Nicholson
The Wolfman (1941) with Lon Chaney, Jr.

Both of the Teen Wolf movies were done as Comedies. The first one had Michael J. Fox Do you have any favorite Werewolf books & movies??? I think that if I had to make a choice to be on either the Vampire or Werewolf side in these Wars, I'd chose to become a Vampire.In the movie An American Werewolf in Paris these people are invited to go to a Club called Luna and of course it's a Club for Werwolves. If anyone ever invited me to go to a Club named Luna, I'd decline especially on a night with a Full Moon. There are a lot of great Werewolf movies out there.


aug 3, 2012, 2:27 pm

I like Carrie Vaughn's book series about Kitty Norville (a werewolf named Kitty, love it!).

aug 6, 2012, 8:58 am

I own several of them, however I think I'm missing the first two books in the Series. I can always try to go to my local Frederick County Public Library which is the Walkersville Branch.


nov 6, 2014, 3:55 pm

Someone mentioned Howling Mad which I loved!

nov 18, 2014, 1:24 pm

I'm going to have to read these books! Maybe during Christmas break I can splurge on werewolf reading. Last year I read Christmas werewolf books, which were pretty fun - all in the season with lots of red!