May 2013’s SK Flavor of the Month – The Dark Tower VII: The Dark Tower

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May 2013’s SK Flavor of the Month – The Dark Tower VII: The Dark Tower

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maj 4, 2013, 1:11 pm

The final Dark Tower book, at least until we get to The Wind Through The Keyhole, and May’s book-of-the-month.

maj 6, 2013, 12:24 pm

I liked the ending of this book. It was surprising to me, and a good fit. I read many reviews that did not like the ending. I thought it was clever, and got a kick out of the *warning* about it.

I felt a nice sense of accomplishment after finishing this book/series. That is odd for me, as finishing a book doesn't do that for me. I'd like to see the mini-series/movie made, though that seems like an on again / off again type of thing.

jul 27, 2014, 9:58 am

I can honestly say I loved this one. There were definitely times when I wanted to do Roland's impatient hand gesture that means "go on, go on," but overall I was enthralled.

And I thought the ending was pitch-perfect. I would love to reread the whole series sometime (especially knowing what I know now), and I agree with you mainrun, some kind of film/TV version would be cool should they ever get it off the ground.