Is "Train Man" really a true story?

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Is "Train Man" really a true story?

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aug 5, 2007, 1:26 am

Even if it isn't, it's a pretty damn good one.

What's your thoughts on the matter?

Don't know what Train Man is? Follow the touchstone.

aug 23, 2007, 8:48 pm

As far as I know, there definitely were postings on 2chan by someone who at least claimed this stuff was happening to him, with other users reactions. As for whether or not he was telling the truth or not? No way to prove it I guess.

I like to think it is, though, because the story is quite sweet. Like an internet modern day Cinderella, with genders reversed. If it turns out to be a big lonelygirl15 type put on in the end, I'd rather not hear about it!

Also, I had no idea the book was translated (I've only followed the fansubbed drama adaptation and volume one of one of the mangas) I'm definitely getting this now. Thanks for leading me to it.

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