Philadelphia, PA, Joseph Fox Bookshop

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Philadelphia, PA, Joseph Fox Bookshop

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1rjacobs17 Första inlägget
feb 21, 2008, 9:14 pm

I have been buying books at this bookstore for over 40 years. It is an absolute oasis of civilization in Philadelphia, where the independent bookstore is almost extinct. Located at 1724 Sansom Street, a narrow east/west street in center city, it packs a remarkably browsable, but dense, number of books into a small, one-story shop. Clearly organized into non-fiction and fiction sections, there is a wonderful selection of history, biography, music, poetry, travel, art and architecture books, with a inspiring, yet thorough fiction section. The back of the store has a separate children's section, packed with classics and special editions. I have been in hundreds of bookstores all over the world, and I have rarely been as comfortable and inspired as I have been in this friendly, family-owned business.

jan 8, 2013, 8:47 pm

I'm going to try Joseph Fox the next time I'm in Philly

jan 8, 2013, 9:08 pm

I love that store. I got to visit about two years ago and thought it was one of the nicest bookstores I've ever been in. Great selection- everything you expect and then some. What a treasure!