Martencat stops hoarding ROOT’s in 2022

Diskutera2022 ROOT CHALLENGE

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Martencat stops hoarding ROOT’s in 2022

jan 1, 2022, 4:02 pm


Back for my sixth year of ROOTing as I’m still buying books faster than I’m reading them, having suffered from a bad bout of tsundoku in December.

Last year was not a good reading year and the pile of ROOT’s is threatening to topple over, having nearly reached three figures. I’m looking forward to reading Suzie Dent’s Word Perfect, which with a word a day will keep me reading through the year.

The plan is to read 25 books, with an equal split between fiction and non-fiction.

If the book is on my bookshelves or Kindle at midnight on 31st December then it counts as a ROOT, even if I only got it for Christmas in December.

Here’s to a happy reading year!

Redigerat: aug 30, 2022, 5:09 pm


#1 Fieldwork by Bella Bathurst
#2 English Pastoral by James Rebanks
#3 Scoff: A history of Food and Class in Britain by Pen Vogler
#4 The Children of Ash & Elm by Neil S Price
#5 Geology; a very short introduction by Jan Zalasiewicz
#6 New World Inc by John Butman & Simon Targett
#7 Underland by Robert Macfarland

#1 Pandora's Star by Peter F Hamilton
#2 Judas Unchained by Peter F Hamilton
#3 The Medici Guns by Martin Woodhouse & Robert Ross
#4 Spirit Gate by Kate Elliot
#5 Shadow Gate by Kate Elliot
#6 Traitor's gate by Kate Elliot

jan 1, 2022, 4:03 pm


If I'm brave enough to list them!

Redigerat: jul 5, 2022, 4:20 pm


#1 Ancestors by Alice Roberts
#2 The Amber Crown by Jacey Bedford
#3 Re-educated by Lucy Kellaway
#4 All the seas of the world by Guy Gavriel Kay

jan 1, 2022, 4:58 pm

Welcome back!

jan 1, 2022, 7:41 pm

Welcome back! Looking forward to hearing about Susie Dent's book -- I didn't put it on my Christmas list this year but might have to for next year :)

jan 1, 2022, 8:42 pm

Welcome back and Happy ROOTing in 2022.

jan 4, 2022, 5:42 am

Welcome back and enjoy your ROOTing!

aug 30, 2022, 5:27 pm

It's a good job that the reading is going a bit better than the writing about the books, but only just. So jumping right in to the middle of my reading year

ROOT #11 Geology; a very short introduction by Jan Zalasiewicz
For such a short and interesting book, it took a surprisingly long time to read. Covering a little bit of the history of the science, the basics of how rocks are formed and the shape of the earth from the inside out, to the practical applications of the science.

ROOT #12 New World, Inc. How England's merchants founded America and launched the British Empire by John Butman & Simon Targett
A comprehensive history of the drivers of sixteenth century exploration of the North Atlantic and the earliest searches for an alternative route to the fabled riches of China and the spice islands. The successes and failures of the earliest voyages are covered in great detail. The conclusion was that although religion played a part it was not the main motivation.

sep 11, 2022, 3:50 am

Glad you are back again.