News & Events: Ohio

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News & Events: Ohio

Denna diskussion är för närvarande "vilande"—det sista inlägget är mer än 90 dagar gammalt. Du kan återstarta det genom att svara på inlägget.

apr 5, 2010, 3:16 pm

List any news and events of special interest to Ohio members, including library or other venue events, bookstore readings, writing workshops or classes, academic lectures, television/radio or articles/reviews by or about Ohio writers, etc.

sep 8, 2013, 4:28 pm

Detta meddelande har blivit flaggat av flera användare och visas inte längre (visa)
New Ohio based novel set in 1955. Hello, I recently joined Midwest Writers/Readers. I have recently published a novel that seems to appeal to many Midwesterners. "The Ups and Downs of Miss Landings" takes place in 1955 in the small Ohio town of Liberty. Margaret fancies herself as a writer but takes the only job available as an elevator operator in the town's only department store. The official blurb is: "Each time the elevator doors close, the hidden stage where lives – and lies – unravel, Miss Margaret Landings comes closer to the truth about herself. As familiar a story in the 1950s as it is for women today, this intimate journey of self-discovery is a page-turner of suspense, humor and poignancy from the opening unveiling of secrets to the final shocking revelation."

I hope to see more postings by authors who write novels set in Ohio! It would be fun to compare how we select and fact check our settings and characters.