Same world, different characters

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Same world, different characters

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maj 24, 2010, 12:12 am

I read a lot of paranormal romance series and I'm burning out a bit.

Right now the series that I like the best are the ones where all the books take place in the same world, but the books focus on different characters.

I'm thinking specifically about Kelley Armstrong's Women of the Otherworld series and Kresley Cole's Immortals after Dark series. (Christine Feehan's Carpathians series would also qualify but I was really not a fan of those.)

I'd appreciate any other suggestions? Thank you!

Redigerat: maj 24, 2010, 11:36 am

Here are my suggestions:

Jacquelyn Frank - Nightwalkers series
G.A. Aiken - Dragon Kin series
Nalini Singh - Psy-Changeling series
Christine Warren - The Others series
Lara Adrian - Midnight Breeds sereis
Gena Showalter - Atlantis series and Alien Huntress series
Lynn Viehl - Darkyn series

Redigerat: maj 24, 2010, 12:57 pm

re: "the books take place in the same world, but the books focus on different characters"

Patricia Briggs' Mercy Thompson and Alpha and Omega seires, part of the overal World of Marrok series.

World of the Marrok is the Series name given to the whole universe of series, though I am not certain if that is an unofficial, or an official name.

The series started with the Mercy Thompson series of books, starring Thomspon. While that series continues, the sister series Alpha and Omega was launched, following Anna Latham.

The connection, other than activity taking place inside the same paranormal world, is that Thompson was raised with the tribe Anna bumped up against. Though Thompson lives in the big city now. There is also the brother she lives with (Samuel Cornick), and the brother Anna meets (Charles Cornick).

Might not exactly line up with what you are looking for, as the books are connected in various ways, but the action, for the most part, is not. As in, Mercy does not appear in the Alpha/Omega books. And Anna sticks to her own books.

maj 24, 2010, 1:33 pm

I love Patricia Briggs - you're right that it's not quite what I'm after but if I hadn't already read them it would be a great suggestion. Mercy's such a great character, I don't think I could burn out on her.

I've seen Gena Showalter's name around but straight-up romance authors can be so hit or miss, sometimes I love the books and sometimes I want to throw them across the room. Sounds like I should give her a try though.

Thanks everyone for all the suggestions.

jun 3, 2010, 4:37 am

Jeanne C. Stein's Anna Strong series is set in the current world, where activities are hidden from them.

Sherrilyn Kenyon's Dark Hunter series
Karen Marie Moning's Fae series