Where do you buy your Russian books?

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Where do you buy your Russian books?

jun 21, 2010, 10:36 am

To buy Russian-language books I tend to go to Grant & Cutler (in London). Unfortunately, Grant & Cutler specialise in range of languages rather than in-depth offerings in any one language. (This is not a criticism as it offers an outstanding range in Russian for a bookseller offering books in 50 or more languages!)

To give an example, I am looking for a book called Библиотекарь by Елизаров. All I can find is an overpriced Marketplace copy at Amazon.co.uk. Surely there are other options?

Perhaps answering my own question, I have identified Biblio Globus (http://www.biblio-globus.us/basket.aspx#). Does anyone have experience with this vendor?

On a slightly different note, I have attempted to buy from Русские Книги in the past, but have had to abandon any purchase attempts as I can't seem to get the normal international airmal rate. The program defaults to extremely expensive courier options. I'd be interested in the experience of other people purchasing from outside the US.

jun 21, 2010, 12:55 pm

The book is available from www.ruslania.com (15 euro), www.ozon.ru (301 r. hardcover, 247 r. softcover) and www.kniga.ru (243 r. hardcover).
I've ordered at all three companies: ruslania ships pretty fast but the price per book is pretty high, ozon's shipping cost may be from 1/3 to 1/2 the price of the books but still a good deal, may take 1-3 weeks, from kniga I've only ordered once, don't remember the details.

Good luck!

jun 22, 2010, 4:56 am

Thanks, this is great. I'm just now registering my details at Ozon.

jun 26, 2010, 8:43 am

anisoara: If you travel to Moscow, you should really visit Biblio Globus's store, just off Lyubanka Square. Whenever I'm in Moscow, that is one of the bookstores I absolutely want to visit. The prices are rather high, compared to Moladay Gvardiya at Polyanka metro station, but their choice is much bigger than at Molodaya Gvardiya.

jun 27, 2010, 2:20 pm

New candidate: www.setbook.net
The Елизаров book sells at €7.10.
Shipping to the UK is expensive for a single book (€11.50 for the first kg), but if you have a big shopping list, the deal is: free shipping if you order for more than 75€.

okt 9, 2010, 11:38 am

Oh, that looks promising. I happen to have a large basket of books at ozon.ru. I've now ordered, and received, books from Ozon. I opted for surface delivery but I still had them within 10 days max. If I can find the same books at Set Book, I may put my next order through there. (Haven't tried kniga.ru yet.)

nov 25, 2010, 4:45 pm

Interestingly, Setbook is now selling through Amazon. However, if you're ready to go and buy a few books at once, it's still a better deal to order directly from Setbook and get the free shipping on orders over €75.

Redigerat: dec 21, 2010, 5:47 pm

Meddelandet raderat.

apr 25, 2011, 8:59 pm

another good source is www.kniga.com

Mark Butkovich

aug 23, 2011, 5:25 pm


sep 12, 2012, 9:34 am

About a year ago, I bought an e-reader. Since then, I've been ordering Russian e-books through www.litres.ru. With e-books there's no need to wait for the mail-man to deliver your order, and this particular site offers the possibility to pay through PayPal. Handy if you do not have a credit card.

sep 12, 2012, 1:32 pm

Yes, I've discovered www.litres.ru too - I love it! I wish they had more titles, but there's plenty there even so.

I'd add that if you live in London, the new Russian Bookshop (opened in March of this year) at Waterstone's Piccadilly is pretty good and they will order in books for you if they're not in stock.

jan 14, 2018, 11:49 am

Detta konto har stängts av för spammande.

jan 14, 2023, 3:03 pm

We'll I've found a lot online for free when looking for specific titles or writers' stuff, that's easy just look the thing up and add the words free pdf, but I've also found some free options for Russian libraries!

Check out my linktree and you'll find them in the "my curriculum" portion under my language studies.

Other than that, to buy copies of things I've used Ebay as for most books/things I buy. But there's a lot of great affordable sites to buy used books at too. It is harder to find them in Russian though for sure. I would recommend Ebay or Esty they seem to have a good amount of stuff the only issue will come with shipping prices as most in my experience ship from outside of the states.

Like I'm still waiting on this collection of poem books I treated myself to hehehe of Sergei Alexandrovich Yesenin that's coming from Russia. The price listed for them was $35 but the shipping was another $45. the only other place I could find them was on Esty but it was more there despite costing less for shipping. I ended up also getting a listing from the same Russian seller for this handmade chessboard! The pieces all whittled by hand too!

I plan to go through the headache... or should a say finger ache, of taking pictures of them to post for others to have access to since his stuff is really hard to find in my experience.

Hope this helps!

jan 25, 2023, 3:57 pm

My usual sources are AbeBooks (often incredibly cheap, like $4 with free shipping, but annoying to use since they don't give a search-by-language option -- you have to put a Russian word or two, transliterated, in the title box and hope for the best) and the wonderful Globus Books, which I urge everyone to support:
The books are often fairly expensive, but they have plenty of old Soviet editions for under $10, and shipping is under $5 (!).

I used to use St Petersburg Book Store in Brighton Beach (https://www.ruskniga.com/) -- especially when I lived in NYC and could go visit them! -- but their books are mostly trash, not literature (they'd really rather sell you tablecloths and Russian dolls), and the shipping costs are higher than Globus.

Until the Ukraine war, I loved ordering from Ozon and Labirint in Russia (the shipping was pricey, but the books were incredibly cheap, and they arrived much more quickly than the ones from Brooklyn, usually within a week), but, well, it's probably going to be a while before that's an option again...