Interesting uses of the LibraryThing data?

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Interesting uses of the LibraryThing data?

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mar 20, 2007, 1:38 am

Has anyone else done anything interesting with the Library export data?

For an example, here's what I did: I built a simple Python script to read the tab-delimited format and import it into a simple database and then added cross-links with my blog entries. For instance,

That page links to my personal tags pages as well as the two blog entries that mentioned the book (in which the book data shows up as a small sidebar). It also links to LibraryThing (of course) and Amazon.

Not very fancy, but I think it's pretty cool.

mar 20, 2007, 1:47 am

Very cool. How do you connect the exported data to the blog entries? Do you search through the blog db for title matches?

mar 20, 2007, 1:50 am

Using an RSS feed Tim provided - on my old website, I had a PHP script where you could enter the work number and it would generate a Google Map plotting the locations of the owners (if they had a location entered on their profile).

mar 20, 2007, 2:21 am

#2: Right now I manually connect them with a very simple interface (select a blog entry and select a book), which is why there are probably plenty of older entries that I've missed book references in, albeit I know I got the major ones because I could search for my "Book of the Moment" titles as I've been using that pretty regularly for a while.

I'm building some reStructuredText-based tools for cross-linking for an entirely different project if they turn out well I might at some point create one for building the cross-links for my blogbook stuff. (This would allow me to do it like touchstones here by writing some simple reStructuredText markup like :book:`Areas of My Expertise` and let my blog build the links when I post.)

Actually, that has my curiosity piqued if there might be some way for LibraryThing to open up a Touchstone API for general usage in this sort of thing... I'm not sure yet how that would work or what LT would have to provide to make it useful and powerful, but I'm sure some ideas might come if I sleep on it.