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Denna diskussion är för närvarande "vilande"—det sista inlägget är mer än 90 dagar gammalt. Du kan återstarta det genom att svara på inlägget.

sep 18, 2010, 5:09 pm

This thread is dedicated to discussing the rules and regulations of the organization of the OSCproject.

MEMBERSHIP: In order to participate in the OSCproject you have to post a rendition of a classification system publicly and submit a request for OSCadministration approval.

The OSCadministration is looking for renditions that can be worked with - make sense.

sep 27, 2010, 3:57 pm

To be honest this forum format is very obtuse for presenting renderings of classification systems.

I think we should try to move to a different site of our choosing that will accommodate the needs of such a project - any ideas out there?

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