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The Search to Belong: Rethinking Intimacy, Community, and Small Groups

av Joseph R. Myers

Serier: Emergent Ys Series (12)

MedlemmarRecensionerPopularitetGenomsnittligt betygOmnämnanden
356374,138 (3.9)1
A practical guide for those struggling to build a community of believers in a culture that wants to experience belonging over believing Who is my neighbor? Who belongs to me? To whom do I belong? These are timeless questions that guide the church to its fundamental calling. Today terms like neighbor, family, and congregation are being redefined. People are searching to belong in new places and experiences. The church needs to adapt its interpretations, definitions, and language to make sense in the changing culture. This book equips congregations and church leaders with tools to: * Discern the key ingredients people look for in community * Understand the use of space as a key element for experiencing belonging and community * Develop the "chemical compound" that produces an environment for community to spontaneously emerge * Discover how language promotes specific spatial belonging and then use this knowledge to build an effective vocabulary for community development * Create an assessment tool for evaluating organizational and personal community health… (mer)

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This book helped me understand who is my neighbor. Great churches have teams of players that know each others space andbuld on their abilities. It is best not to search for direct answers to belong. Better develope a framework of words that help people to feel comfortable. One size does not fill all.
  lschmitt | Oct 17, 2008 |
The premise of the book is rather simple. Today's people are looking for community in avenues that are unlike years past, as seen in the lifestyle of our grandparents. Myers is trying to stress the importance of "community" as it relates on a personal and congregational level and its ramification in the church "culture" of today.

In Myers' sixth chapter, "Searching for the Front Porch," he goes to great detail to describe the importance of "the front porch." Present day culture in America has moved "the front porch"of years past (on the house) to more congregational locations (restaurants and coffee shops).

Myers further argues that churches today need to be sensitive to take advantage of creating meaningful "front porch" experiences (within the church) if they are to be influential in "inviting" and securing prospects and retaining tenured membership. It all goes back to community. ( )
1 rösta kevyhurt | Oct 2, 2007 |
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A practical guide for those struggling to build a community of believers in a culture that wants to experience belonging over believing Who is my neighbor? Who belongs to me? To whom do I belong? These are timeless questions that guide the church to its fundamental calling. Today terms like neighbor, family, and congregation are being redefined. People are searching to belong in new places and experiences. The church needs to adapt its interpretations, definitions, and language to make sense in the changing culture. This book equips congregations and church leaders with tools to: * Discern the key ingredients people look for in community * Understand the use of space as a key element for experiencing belonging and community * Develop the "chemical compound" that produces an environment for community to spontaneously emerge * Discover how language promotes specific spatial belonging and then use this knowledge to build an effective vocabulary for community development * Create an assessment tool for evaluating organizational and personal community health

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Medelbetyg: (3.9)
2 1
2.5 1
3 13
3.5 3
4 19
5 13

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