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Lace Curtain Irish

av P. L. O'Sullivan

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324,196,432 (4.5)Ingen/inga
Chicago, 1887: Sixteen-year-old Julia Hanlon sees plenty of opportunity in the land of her birth, an exile returning with no idea why her mother abandoned her as a child of three. Grabbing that opportunity comes with risks to a girl who fears deportation. She knows what the future holds for her siblings if they don't assimilate, but disobeying their father could see Julia back in Ireland, alone. Her oldest brother must become her ally in a quest to leave the dust of Ireland behind, but Daniel betrayed her once before and his guilt is driving a wedge between them. Until he can find the words of a confession to atone for what he perceives as sins, Julia will find that her carefully considered plans for everyone's future are not under her complete control. Until he can confront their mother, there can be no peace in the Hanlon family. A sweeping family saga, LACE CURTAIN IRISH follows the path of the first generation of native born children of immigrants who navigate between the Old World and the New. From the sparkling make-believe of the World's Columbian Exposition to the reality of the stinking Union Stockyards, the novel reveals Julia's sacrifices for the sake of her family, and her resilience in the face of declining personal fortune.… (mer)
Senast inlagd avMelissalovesreading, CianOh, MyBookAddiction
Efterlämnade bibliotekCian O hAnnrachainn

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A brilliant debut from an exciting new writer.

"Lace Curtain Irish" provides a unique glimpse into an immigrant family in Chicago at the turn of the last century, yet the narrative is timeless. The Hanlons are in the melting pot, but the melting isn't such an easy process.

As the story opens, Julia Hanlon is on her way to Chicago to rejoin her large family. She reflects on her mother's reason for bringing her to Ireland and then leaving her there for thirteen years. Determined to fit in, to not give her parents a reason to send her away (or send her into the convent), she finds that the allure of the American way of life is too strong to resist, yet too dangerous to grasp when her father expects her to behave like a proper Irish lass from the back of beyond.

Julia has to rely on her brother Daniel to speak up for her much-desired independence, but he fails to see the need for haste until it is too late to save Julia from descending into genteel poverty, saddled with a husband and children she never wanted. Aware that he has betrayed his sister yet again, Daniel pulls back while Julia struggles to maintain the close family bonds that she was denied as a child in Ireland.

Through Daniel's narrative, the reader comes to learn of the family secrets that were hidden behind lace curtains and a facade of gentility. Those secrets drive a wedge between Julia and Daniel, until he finally finds the courage to confront their mother.

Spanning the era between the World's Fair of 1893 through the Century of Progress in 1933, this is a book that, once started, you can't put down. ( )
  CianOh | Mar 2, 2016 |
LACE CURTAIN IRISH by P.L. O’Sullivan is an interesting debut novel of Irish history. The Hanlon Clan saga unfolds as secrets are finally revealed,the Hanlon Clan re-united,and Julia learns the reason she was left behind in Ireland,while the rest of her family immigrate to America. The family struggles to cut out a living in 19th century Chicago. A wonderful story of the bond between siblings,finding the truth,family history as the Hanlon Clan weave the old world with the new world of America. An intriguing plot and charming characters you can’t go wrong with Lace Curtain Irish. Anyone who enjoys Irish history,family saga,drama,sacrifice will enjoy Lace Curtain Irish. Received for an honest review from the author. Details can be found at Newcastlewest Books, and My Book Addiction and More.
REVIEWED BY: AprilR, My Book Addiction and More ( )
  MyBookAddiction | Apr 24, 2012 |
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Chicago, 1887: Sixteen-year-old Julia Hanlon sees plenty of opportunity in the land of her birth, an exile returning with no idea why her mother abandoned her as a child of three. Grabbing that opportunity comes with risks to a girl who fears deportation. She knows what the future holds for her siblings if they don't assimilate, but disobeying their father could see Julia back in Ireland, alone. Her oldest brother must become her ally in a quest to leave the dust of Ireland behind, but Daniel betrayed her once before and his guilt is driving a wedge between them. Until he can find the words of a confession to atone for what he perceives as sins, Julia will find that her carefully considered plans for everyone's future are not under her complete control. Until he can confront their mother, there can be no peace in the Hanlon family. A sweeping family saga, LACE CURTAIN IRISH follows the path of the first generation of native born children of immigrants who navigate between the Old World and the New. From the sparkling make-believe of the World's Columbian Exposition to the reality of the stinking Union Stockyards, the novel reveals Julia's sacrifices for the sake of her family, and her resilience in the face of declining personal fortune.

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