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Leonardo da Vinci: Flights of the Mind (2004)

av Charles Nicholl

MedlemmarRecensionerPopularitetGenomsnittligt betygOmnämnanden
838926,699 (3.86)11
Leonardo is the greatest, most multi-faceted and most mysterious of all Renaissance artists, but extraordinarily, considering his enormous reputation, this is the first full-length biography in English for several decades. Prize-winning author Charles Nicholl has immersed himself in manuscripts, paintings and artefacts to produce an intimate portrait of Leonardo. He uses these contemporary materials - his notebooks and sketchbooks, eye witnesses and early biographies, etc - as a way into the mental tone and physical texture of his life and has made many discoveries about him, his work and his circle of associates. The book identifies what Nicholl argues is an unknown portrait of the artist hanging in a church near Lodi in northern Italy. It also contains new material on his eccentric assistant Tomasso Masini, his homosexual affairs in Florence, and his curious relationship with a female model and/or prostitute from Cremona. A masterpiece of modern biography.… (mer)
  1. 00
    Mona Lisa av Dianne Hales (BookshelfMonstrosity)
    BookshelfMonstrosity: If you enjoy learning about Leonardo da Vinci's real-life model for the Mona Lisa, check out this richly detailed biography of the artist himself, which examines the Renaissance man's personal life and artistic career, as well as his scientific achievements.… (mer)

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Visa 1-5 av 9 (nästa | visa alla)
Enjoyed the bits about the paintings, not about geneology. ( )
  ca.bookwyrm | May 18, 2020 |
I learned a lot of things that I did not know about Leonardo da Vinci. This book is quite scholarly and very well written. It has two sections that include his paintings in glossy paper and many more drawings and works strewn throughout the book.

I was not aware of his personal failings. Mostly he was bad with money and bad with completing projects on time. Even through all that he was much admired in his time; although the Mona Lisa didn't become super famous until someone stole it back in 1911 or so. Then the dude demanded ransom of 500,000 Florins or Lire or whatever unit of currency they had. When it was a new painting, the public did comment on how wonderful it was but they didn't see anything particularly special about it. In any case, among his many other accomplishments, he was also a pretty good musician and poet.

I already knew about the flying machines, the parachute, the machinery designed to move heavy weights and water... One wonders what he could do with the internet at his disposal.

Oh well. In any case, this book was good. I liked it a great deal for all that. ( )
  Floyd3345 | Jun 15, 2019 |
Most interesting ( )
  Harrod | Dec 3, 2008 |
An impressive chronological account of the Maestro's life, this is sadly short on information about the man himself. I now know what he did, but I don't know his personality or habits. ( )
  BrentNewhall | Jun 9, 2008 |
An impressive chronological account of the Maestro's life, this is sadly short on information about the man himself. I now know what he did, but I don't know his personality or habits. ( )
  BrentNewhall | May 14, 2008 |
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How could you describe this heart in words
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Note written by Leonardo da Vinci beside
an anatomical drawing of the heart, c. 1513
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Leonardo is the greatest, most multi-faceted and most mysterious of all Renaissance artists, but extraordinarily, considering his enormous reputation, this is the first full-length biography in English for several decades. Prize-winning author Charles Nicholl has immersed himself in manuscripts, paintings and artefacts to produce an intimate portrait of Leonardo. He uses these contemporary materials - his notebooks and sketchbooks, eye witnesses and early biographies, etc - as a way into the mental tone and physical texture of his life and has made many discoveries about him, his work and his circle of associates. The book identifies what Nicholl argues is an unknown portrait of the artist hanging in a church near Lodi in northern Italy. It also contains new material on his eccentric assistant Tomasso Masini, his homosexual affairs in Florence, and his curious relationship with a female model and/or prostitute from Cremona. A masterpiece of modern biography.

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Medelbetyg: (3.86)
1 1
2 6
3 12
3.5 3
4 25
4.5 4
5 17

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