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Lost Worlds of South America

av Edwin Barnhart

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752365,939 (4.31)Ingen/inga
History. Nonfiction. HTML:

Buried by the centuries on soaring mountain slopes and beneath arid deserts and lush jungles of South America, the remains of extraordinary, majestic civilizations - many unknown until recent decades - are now coming to light and raising tantalizing questions about what else may be awaiting discovery. Take an adventurous trek to these wilds of South America and the great civilizations of the ancients. In 24 eye-opening lectures, you'll take an in-depth look at the emerging finds and archaeological knowledge of more than 12 seminal civilizations, giving you rich insight into the creative vision and monumental achievements of these wellsprings of human life. The ancient South Americans show us striking models of how societies can function and organize themselves. The technologies and social structures seen here were wholly invented, using no preexisting models, as these dynamic peoples struggled to tame their environment and carve out societies and empires. Recently unearthed marvels include elaborately prepared and adorned mummies that predate Egypt's by 2000 years; imposing palaces, solar observatories, and dramatically decorated pyramids; stunning art objects in gold, turquoise, lapis lazuli, and ceramic; and evidence of huge urban civilizations in the Amazon. In their amazing sophistication and scale, the sites reveal some of the most remarkable ancient artifacts found anywhere in the world. The breathtaking valleys, mountains, and deserts you will study in this course reveal wonders that rival anything we know of the ancient world. Travel with us to a lost and splendorous past - a fountainhead of civilization that speaks unforgettably of human striving, vision, and the indomitable will to endure.

.… (mer)

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Lots of great information, though it might more aptly be titled "Lost Worlds of Peru, Primarily." Very few mentions of cultures outside of Peru. I was left wondering about the peoples who lived in what is now Argentina, Paraguay, etc. Speaking as someone whose sum total knowledge of pre-Columbian South American civilizations began and ended with the Inca, I was was blown away by the length and breadth of the region's rich history, how much we have learned, and how much remains to be discovered. ( )
  ryner | Mar 15, 2023 |
History’s Greatest Voyages of Exploration was a fascinating and exciting listen. The audiobook was narrated by the author Vejas Gabriel Liulevicius (try saying that three times fast!) and I found him pleasant to listen to. You can tell he is passionate about the subject matter and his fervor really shines through as he recounts these amazing stories.

Mr. Liulevicius takes us on the boats of the early Genoese explorers who dared to enter the Atlantic Ocean, only to be never heard of again. We learn about Pytheas the Greek who left Rome and explored the great North. St. Brendan, an Irish Monk went all the way to Iceland, and possibly farther. Marco Polo and Leif Eriksson make an appearance, as do Christopher Columbus and Vasco da Gama. Ibn Battuta left his home to make the pilgrimage to Mecca, only to go on and explore Asia and not return home for years! Want to learn about Mr. Henry Hudson and Captain James Cook and their treacherous journeys to North America? It’s all here.

I enjoyed the lectures immensely and the things and people I learned about added to my list of books for further reading. I find it fascinating how the world grew, little by little, by each explorer that dared to go out into the unknown. Some explored for conquest and riches, others for science and knowledge, and others simply for the sake of adventure and excitement. Some lived to tell the tale and others perished.

If you’re interested in world exploration and how the map of the world grew into what we know today, I highly recommend these educational and wonderful courses! ( )
  ProfessorEX | Apr 15, 2021 |
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History. Nonfiction. HTML:

Buried by the centuries on soaring mountain slopes and beneath arid deserts and lush jungles of South America, the remains of extraordinary, majestic civilizations - many unknown until recent decades - are now coming to light and raising tantalizing questions about what else may be awaiting discovery. Take an adventurous trek to these wilds of South America and the great civilizations of the ancients. In 24 eye-opening lectures, you'll take an in-depth look at the emerging finds and archaeological knowledge of more than 12 seminal civilizations, giving you rich insight into the creative vision and monumental achievements of these wellsprings of human life. The ancient South Americans show us striking models of how societies can function and organize themselves. The technologies and social structures seen here were wholly invented, using no preexisting models, as these dynamic peoples struggled to tame their environment and carve out societies and empires. Recently unearthed marvels include elaborately prepared and adorned mummies that predate Egypt's by 2000 years; imposing palaces, solar observatories, and dramatically decorated pyramids; stunning art objects in gold, turquoise, lapis lazuli, and ceramic; and evidence of huge urban civilizations in the Amazon. In their amazing sophistication and scale, the sites reveal some of the most remarkable ancient artifacts found anywhere in the world. The breathtaking valleys, mountains, and deserts you will study in this course reveal wonders that rival anything we know of the ancient world. Travel with us to a lost and splendorous past - a fountainhead of civilization that speaks unforgettably of human striving, vision, and the indomitable will to endure.


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