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Witch Island

av David Bernstein

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2011,117,084 (4)Ingen/inga
A witch's curse from beyond the grave! Witch Island used to be feared. Even the bravest would not dare go there. Legend said a witch had been burned alive at the stake, and upon her death she cursed the town. Terrified residents performed rituals to keep her spirit trapped on the island where she was buried. Now, over a hundred years later, a group of high school seniors have decided to forgo the local graduation parties and have a small gathering of their own—on Witch Island. They don't fear the legends. They scoff at them. But the group will soon learn these particular legends are nothing to scoff at. And Witch Island will prove far worse than they could have ever imagined.… (mer)

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I loved this book! I was captured from the first chapter and it didn't let me go till the end!

Witch Island is off limits to the town residents as an actual witch put a curse on the island back in the early 1900's when she was burned alive. She cursed all the people that had a hand in killing her and she cursed their future generations.

Of course, it is all a myth, right? There is no such things as witches and curses. A few friends decide to forego everything that their parents have warned them about the island and go have a graduation party on the island to prove that there is nothing to the legend.

Little do they know that they have just stepped into a nightmare when they dock their canoes on the island. Out of all the friends, only two of them are protected as they have magic rings to protect them from the curse. When one of the friends finds something interesting under the ground and digs it up, no one is prepared for the consequences of that discovery.

Mother Nature literally comes alive and the friends are in for facing their worst fears as the killings and gore start flying. Lots of gore, suspense, and action within these pages!

Giving it five stars for keeping me glued to my kindle and up in the wee hours of the morning trying to finish it. ( )
  BookNookRetreat7 | Jul 25, 2022 |
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A witch's curse from beyond the grave! Witch Island used to be feared. Even the bravest would not dare go there. Legend said a witch had been burned alive at the stake, and upon her death she cursed the town. Terrified residents performed rituals to keep her spirit trapped on the island where she was buried. Now, over a hundred years later, a group of high school seniors have decided to forgo the local graduation parties and have a small gathering of their own—on Witch Island. They don't fear the legends. They scoff at them. But the group will soon learn these particular legends are nothing to scoff at. And Witch Island will prove far worse than they could have ever imagined.

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