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84, Charing Cross Road (1971)

av Helene Hanff, Frank Doel

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Serier: 84 Charing Cross Road (1)

MedlemmarRecensionerPopularitetGenomsnittligt betygDiskussioner / Omnämnanden
5,9523531,714 (4.25)1 / 1111
Literary Criticism. Nonfiction. This charming classic love story, first published in 1970, brings together twenty years of correspondence between Helene Hanff, at the time, a freelance writer living in New York City, and a used-book dealer in London at 84, Charing Cross Road. Through the years, though never meeting and separated both geographically and culturally, they share a winsome, sentimental friendship based on their common love for books. Their relationship, captured so acutely in these letters, is one that has touched the hearts of thousands of readers around the world.… (mer)
  1. 205
    Guernseys litteratur- och potatisskalspajssällskap av Mary Ann Shaffer (khuggard, DetailMuse, helgagrace, ehough75, kraaivrouw)
    khuggard: Another tale about book lovers who come together through letters, with the same, post-war England setting.
    kraaivrouw: Another book about people who connect via their love of books and reading.
  2. 110
    The Duchess of Bloomsbury Street av Helene Hanff (Booksloth, Cecrow)
    Cecrow: A sort-of sequel to 84 Charing Cross Road, detailing Helen's visit to London, England.
  3. 51
    Q's Legacy av Helene Hanff (lilithcat)
    lilithcat: "Q" is Arthur Quiller-Couch, whose book On the Art of Writing led Ms. Hanff to what would become many of her favorite books and writers.
  4. 40
    The Haunted Bookshop av Christopher Morley (BasilBlue)
  5. 40
    The private papers of a bankrupt bookseller av William Young Darling (BasilBlue)
    BasilBlue: Fascinating peek at the nature of book sellers and book buyers in the early 20th century.
  6. 30
    The Yellow-Lighted Bookshop av Lewis Buzbee (Booksloth)
  7. 75
    The Uncommon Reader av Alan Bennett (withwill, teelgee)
  8. 21
    An Alphabetical Life: Living It Up in the World of Books av Wendy Werris (sfelber)
    sfelber: Another book about books-this time the book selling business. A fascinating read. This memoir by Wendy Werris details her life from working in a San Francisco book store as a kid to becoming an independent book rep. A true behind-the-scene view for bibliophiles.… (mer)
  9. 11
    At Large and At Small: Familiar Essays av Anne Fadiman (Booksloth)
  10. 00
    The Thorn and the Blossom av Theodora Goss (MyriadBooks)
  11. 00
    Bibliophilia av N. John Hall (sneuper)
    sneuper: Like Bibliophilia, 84 Charing Cross Road is a correspondence between a collecter and an antiquarian bookseller.
  12. 01
    Twice Born av Margaret Mazzantini (remeig)
  13. 01
    Adressat okänd av Kathrine Kressmann Taylor (bnbookgirl, bnbookgirl)
  14. 12
    Book Traveller av Bruce Bliven (trav)

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En octubre de 1949, Helene Hanff, una joven escritora desconocida, envía una carta desde Nueva York a Marks & Co., la librería situada en el 84 de Charing Cross Road, en Londres. Apasionada, maniática, extravagante y muchas veces sin un duro, la señorita Hanff le reclama al librero Frank Doel volúmenes poco menos que inencontrables que apaciguarán su insaciable sed de descubrimientos. Veinte años más tarde, continúan escribiéndose, y la familiaridad se ha convertido en una intimidad casi amorosa. Esta correspondencia excéntrica y llena de encanto es una pequeña joya que evoca, con infinita delicadeza, el lugar que ocupan en nuestra vida los libros... y las librerías. 84, Charing Cross Road pasó casi inadvertido en el momento de su publicación, pero desde la década de los setenta se ha convertido en un verdadero libro de culto a ambos lados del Atlántico. ( )
  fewbach | Jul 15, 2024 |
I'm home sick today, and I tucked into bed with it this morning after I put my daughter on the school bus. I read the whole thing in one sitting, and it was a delightful distraction from feeling lousy. A truly charming little book. LOVED IT! ( )
  kdegour23 | May 29, 2024 |
[Review from second reading.] Re-read this after reading Hanff’s wonderful Letter from New York and think I appreciated it more this time around, as I was more familiar with the antiquarian books Hanff was interested in. I’d forgotten how heart-warming and hilarious it was. And, of course, heart-breaking, at the end. The way the boisterous Hanff writes to the staid Doel is a riot and the entire staff’s affection for her (and vice verse) is palpable. ( )
  BVBurton | May 28, 2024 |
A charming little book for book lovers. I go back to this book from time-to-time. This epistolary memoir will leave you wanting more. Highly recommended. ( )
  alfonsohuerta | May 23, 2024 |
I read this first years ago, some time in the 70s or 80s. I've reread it more than once, and the time had come to read it again. It's just as good now as it was in the beginning, maybe even better. It's a perfect little book. ( )
  dvoratreis | May 22, 2024 |
Visa 1-5 av 353 (nästa | visa alla)

» Lägg till fler författare (29 möjliga)

Författarens namnRollTyp av författareVerk?Status
Hanff, Heleneprimär författarealla utgåvorbekräftat
Doel, Frankhuvudförfattarealla utgåvorbekräftat
Bancroft, AnneInledningmedförfattarevissa utgåvorbekräftat
Gómez i Casademont, PuriÖversättaremedförfattarevissa utgåvorbekräftat
Kooten, Barbara vanÖversättaremedförfattarevissa utgåvorbekräftat
Ledwidge, NatachaIllustratörmedförfattarevissa utgåvorbekräftat
MacGregor, SueInledningmedförfattarevissa utgåvorbekräftat
Moritz, RainerÖversättaremedförfattarevissa utgåvorbekräftat
Nettles, JohnBerättaremedförfattarevissa utgåvorbekräftat
Premoli, MarinaÖversättaremedförfattarevissa utgåvorbekräftat
Stevenson, JulietBerättaremedförfattarevissa utgåvorbekräftat
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F.P.D. In Memoriam
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Gentlemen: Your ad in the Saturday Review of Literature says that you specialize in out-of-print books.
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My friends are peculiar about books. They read all the best sellers, they get through them as fast as possible, I think they skip a lot. And they NEVER read anything a second time so they don't remember a word of it a year later. But they are profoundly shocked to see me drop a book in the wastebasket or give it away. The way they look at it, you buy a book, you read it, you put it on the shelf, you never open it again for the rest of your life but YOU DON'T THROW IT OUT! NOT IF IT HAS A HARD COVER ON IT! Why not? I personally can't think of anything less sacrosanct than a bad book or even a mediocre book. [54]
I do love secondhand books that open to the page some previous owner read oftenest. The day Hazlitt came he opened to "I hate to read new books," and I hollered "Comrade!" to whoever owned it before me. [7]
It [the Book Lover's Anthology] looks too new and pristine ever to have been read by anyone else, but it has been: it keeps falling open at the most delightful places as the ghost of its former owner points me to things I've never read before. [56]
Have you got De Tocqueville's Journey to America?  Somebody borrowed mine and never gave it back.  Why is it that people who wouldn't dream of stealing anything else think it's perfectly all right to steal books? [61]
A newspaper man I know, who was stationed in London during the war, says tourists go to England with preconceived notions, so they always find exactly what they go looking for.  I told him I'd go looking for the England of English literature, and he said:
"Then it's there." [13]
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This is the main work - Hanff's 84 Charing Cross Road (unabridged).  Please do not combine with omnibus/combined editions, anthologies or abridged editions.

The Folio Society edition contains both this work and The Duchess of Bloomsbury Street. UK edition titled 84 Charing Cross Road, ISBN 0860074382, 1844085244 and 1860498507, is actually an omnibus edition of this title and The Duchess of Bloomsbury Street.  Works identified as this omnibus should NOT be combined with this work, 84 Charing Cross Road.
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Wikipedia på engelska (1)

Literary Criticism. Nonfiction. This charming classic love story, first published in 1970, brings together twenty years of correspondence between Helene Hanff, at the time, a freelance writer living in New York City, and a used-book dealer in London at 84, Charing Cross Road. Through the years, though never meeting and separated both geographically and culturally, they share a winsome, sentimental friendship based on their common love for books. Their relationship, captured so acutely in these letters, is one that has touched the hearts of thousands of readers around the world.

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1 8
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2 41
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3 217
3.5 98
4 682
4.5 127
5 837

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