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The Progress of This Storm: Nature and Society in a Warming World (2017)

av Andreas Malm

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1131246,367 (3.08)Ingen/inga
"An attack on the idea that nature and society are impossible to distinguish from each other In a world careening towards climate chaos, nature is dead. It can no longer be separated from society. Everything is a blur of hybrids, where humans possess no exceptional agency that sets them apart from dead matter. But is it really so? In this blistering polemic and theoretical manifesto, Andreas Malm develops a contrary argument: in a warming world, nature comes roaring back, and it is more important than ever to distinguish between the natural and the social. Only with a unique agency attributed to humans can resistance become conceivable. Deflating several prominent currents in contemporary theory--constructionism, hybridism, new materialism, posthumanism--and submitting the influential work of Bruno Latour to particularly biting critique, Malm shows that action against fossil fuels is best served by a theory that takes nature, society and the dialectics between them very seriously indeed"-- "In a world careening towards climate chaos, nature is dead. It can no longer be separated from society. Everything is a blur of hybrids, where humans possess no exceptional agency to set them apart from dead matter. But is it really so? In this blistering polemic and theoretical manifesto, Andreas Malm develops a counterargument: in a warming world, nature comes roaring back, and it is more important than ever to distinguish between the natural and the social. Only with a unique agency attributed to humans can resistance become conceivable"--… (mer)

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its just a polemic, and a rather mediocre one at that

malm has nothing original to say here. he merely brings together some good quotes and arguments of others, but doesnt even bring them together to any interesting or novel conclusion

the last two chapters r pretty good, but still only for their reference to more elaborate works (by others, or by the same author)

the main thrust of malm's polemic here is just that anti-cartesian post-human social theory is useless for analyzing political strategy. this could have been a much shorter and more succinct book, with much less fluffy mediocre and embarrassing philosophy if malm had just distilled that point

but to b fair, it is still an important point. malm contrasts such postmodern non-dualism w more analytically fruitful approaches like merchants "autonomy of nature" (drawing on italian marxism), bellamy-fosters work on the metabolic rift, and his own work on the history of the fossil fuel economy to demonstrate the relative weakness/hollowness/pointlessness of such latourian analysis for politics ( )
  sashame | Jan 17, 2024 |
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"An attack on the idea that nature and society are impossible to distinguish from each other In a world careening towards climate chaos, nature is dead. It can no longer be separated from society. Everything is a blur of hybrids, where humans possess no exceptional agency that sets them apart from dead matter. But is it really so? In this blistering polemic and theoretical manifesto, Andreas Malm develops a contrary argument: in a warming world, nature comes roaring back, and it is more important than ever to distinguish between the natural and the social. Only with a unique agency attributed to humans can resistance become conceivable. Deflating several prominent currents in contemporary theory--constructionism, hybridism, new materialism, posthumanism--and submitting the influential work of Bruno Latour to particularly biting critique, Malm shows that action against fossil fuels is best served by a theory that takes nature, society and the dialectics between them very seriously indeed"-- "In a world careening towards climate chaos, nature is dead. It can no longer be separated from society. Everything is a blur of hybrids, where humans possess no exceptional agency to set them apart from dead matter. But is it really so? In this blistering polemic and theoretical manifesto, Andreas Malm develops a counterargument: in a warming world, nature comes roaring back, and it is more important than ever to distinguish between the natural and the social. Only with a unique agency attributed to humans can resistance become conceivable"--

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